Cyber security 2020 : The Latest Trends

C Navanit Nandakumar
Published in
7 min readAug 6, 2020

The world that we live in today is a very modern one, thanks to science and technology. We live in a “cyber” era, where various aspects of technology play an important role in our life. We all own (or have at least used) electronic devices capable of browsing the internet, which makes it a powerful source of information that can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, and at anytime. With huge number of people browsing the internet, it is important to think about it’s consequences. It is no wonder that modern technology (networks, devices, programs etc) comes with it’s own fair share of risks and threats.

Everyday, millions of people browse through electronic devices, leaving behind their digital footprints (intentionally or unintentionally). These devices are so deeply rooted into our daily life, so much so that it is almost unimaginable to live without them. Due to the massive amount of information which can be accessed through such electronic devices, cyber attacks, damages, and unauthorized access to information pose a massive threat to users. These cyber threats are something that has to be taken seriously ,not only by individual users, but also by reputed companies and organizations. This is where cyber security comes into play.

The textbook definition of cyber security is as follows-

Computer security, cyber security or information technology security is the protection of computer systems and networks from the theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.

Before we move further into cyber security, it is important to understand the threats that it has to counter. As of 2020, these are considered to be some of the biggest threats faced by the cyber security industry (in no particular order):

  1. Malware attacks through various technological media :- Executed mainly through junk E-Mails, malware attacks are one of the most popular threats to the cyber world. Many criminal organizations, state actors, and well-known businesses have been accused of deploying malware. Malicious software are still being circulated all across the internet by cyber criminals to gain access to sensitive personal information, even in 2020. However, it is easy to avoid this by visiting trusted websites only and being careful while checking your mail, especially the spam folder. Different types of malware attacks include spyware, ransomware, trojan horses, virus, and worms. WannaCry (2017), CryptoLocker (2013), LockerGoga (2019), and the very recent case of the CovidLock (2020) ransomware are some popular examples of malware attacks.
  2. Privacy concerns in cloud computing :- Cloud computing typically refers to the on-demand availability of computer system resources, mainly data storage (cloud storage) and computing power. Many large companies and organizations rely on cloud services, especially cloud storage to store data. Although many cloud service providers are taking strict measures to ensure privacy, there are still a lot of confidentiality concerns when it comes to cloud computing. It is ultimately the responsibility of the user to keep their cloud data secure. Threats like data loss, malicious attacks and service disruption are some of the security challenges faced by the cloud computing industry. Cyber security solutions are yet to be developed, which ensures privacy, protection, availability, location, and secure transmission of the stored data.
  3. Service providers and data access :- A major issue that has caused concern among users is the access to data by the service providers. Service providers have access to a lot of (if not all of) its user data, which could be leaked (accidentally or deliberately), or could be used for unauthorized purposes. Many companies, even the top ones, have been known to leak user data (intentionally or unintentionally). Data breaches are becoming increasingly common, putting sensitive user information in danger. Companies like Adobe, eBay, MySpace, LinkedIn and Yahoo have been affected by data breaches in the recent years. Companies misusing user data is such a big problem, so much so that many top CEOs have been questioned regarding the same. The truth that came out was astonishing- many massive tech breaches, unauthorized data access, cyber attacks, misuse of data etc. Such irresponsible handling of user information has cost many companies millions of dollars, along with a general lack of trust from its users. It is important to find proper cyber security solutions regarding such issues, and to a draw a line between what can or cannot be done by the service providers using user data.
  4. IoT devices and related security concerns :- There is no doubt that one of the most prominent fields in modern technology is IoT or Internet of things. According to a report from fortune business, the Internet of things market is likely to grow to $1.1 trillion by 2023. This tells us that IoT is going to play a crucial role in the future of science and technology. However, since the concept is still in its primitive stages, IoT devices are extremely vulnerable to attacks. Cyber criminals can target vulnerabilities in IoT applications and exploit its weaknesses for malicious intent. This is extremely dangerous, as applications of IoT include sensitive fields like medicine (IoMT) and banking (IoT enabled banking). Since the field is still under development, cyber security solutions are under way. If we ensure the necessary security and user privacy required, then we can expect the field of IoT to develop to its full potential.
  5. Privacy concerns in mobile applications :- Smartphone and mobile applications are undoubtedly extremely convenient, useful and reliable, and they solve a major chunk of our day-to-day problems. Brand new smartphone applications are developed everyday by app developers using new and creative concepts to tackle problems. However, there are many privacy and security hazards regarding mobile applications that threaten user information. Mobile devices contain a lot of sensitive user information ranging from personal photos to financial data. Third party access to such data could have adverse consequences, ranging from data loss, misuse, modification, or leaks. Even today, many people blindly trust mobile applications and are generally unaware of such security issues. Actions are being taken against this in various ways- many countries have considered banning dangerous apps that pose a threat to user data, new standards for security regarding mobile applications are under way, general awareness is being raised among people regarding the same.

Over the past few years, we have seen many new updates in the field of cyber security and privacy. As of 2020, these are considered to be some of the biggest trends in the cyber security industry (in no particular order)-

  1. Cyber security and AI :- The use of AI (artificial intelligence) and its sub categories like data science and machine learning in the field of cyber security is being considered by security engineers. Apart from a mere application of AI algorithms, AI in cyber security can do much more- to identify and act against cyber attacks, automate cyber security tasks to save time, reduce human intervention, analyze cyber threats etc.
  2. Breach detection tools :- Cyber security professionals are working on developing new mechanisms to detect potential data breaches. These new tools will help us to detect breaches early, trace them back to the source, and take appropriate measures as soon as possible. Such an innovation will ensure better protection of user data by detecting cyber attacks from cyber criminals and hackers, thus avoiding data breaches.
  3. SAML and cloud computing :- Cloud computing systems and other cloud based applications have many confidentiality issues that have to be solved. With the integration of SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) and intrusion detection technologies with cloud based services, we will be able to analyze and regulate traffic. This would alert us in case anything unexpected happens, like suspicious activities, unexpected logins etc.
  4. Cyber risk insurance :- Cyber attacks could have a lasting impact on the affected party. Such threats and attacks cost the global economy a mind-blowing $ 600 billion (approx) annually. Cyber insurance can be used to reduce the impact associated with cyber attacks and data breaches. It provides first party coverage against losses such as data theft, hacking, data destruction and denial of service attacks. Such an insurance policy is extremely useful for companies and organizations.
  5. Hardware authentication :- Instead of relying completely on the standard software-based security measures, cyber security engineers are considering authentication via user hardware. So, security measures would now also include aspects of the user’s hardware, and will not completely be software-based. This is extremely useful, if we consider fields like IoT (Internet of things), where it is important to ensure that access to the device is gained by something that is supposed to have access to it.

Cyber security is an ever-growing field. It is one of those fields, that needs to keep evolving so as to find new ways to tackle problems. It is essential for such a field to exist and function, as without it, modern technology will be in danger. Cyber security will see tremendous growth in the coming years. With more and more advancements being made day by day, technology will become much more safer. User information will be guarded much more effectively. Cyber threats will be detected and countered efficiently. The internet will become a safer place. Hopefully, we will be able to achieve the ultimate goal of making our cyber world completely safe and threat-free.

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The intelligent use of science and technology are the tools with which to achieve a new direction.

— Jacque Fresco




C Navanit Nandakumar

AI & Data Enthusiast | Electronics & Communication Engineer