Technology- A Tool for Survival

Gouri Krishna
Published in
8 min readJul 23, 2020
Credits: Jackson LLP Healthcare Lawyers

Some months changed the course of everything. Since the outbreak of a new virus on December 31, 2019, our world has been shifting to a new era of least known technologies. Keeping the sufferings and fear of disease aside, every one of us was stuck under the crisis of life. Quarantined minds lost hope and got distressed. But what kept us alive and motivated within ourselves was mostly the world of technology.

Lowest GDP rate since the great depression of 1980, historic contraction of per capita income, demand crash on many items, were the attacks on the world economy. Nothing was ever better than before, but we made ourselves and the world better by using many of our existing technologies in a much handy way. The birth of a digital world gave a slight compassion to many problems that came with a pandemic.


Unemployment is, was and will continue to be one of the greatest problems of any nation’s economic and social life. COVID 19 had led to a spike in India’s unemployment rate from 7% to 27.11%. Every job sector faced a major hit which can’t be rectified in the near future.

When technology hit the line, many online temporary and permanent jobs and internships became available at a greater rate. This offered multiple paths of learning and working other than a single one and people got themselves the opportunity to explore more suitable place to fit them in. The question of distance, living conditions, climate at the place of work are no longer questions of concern. This really is not the most benefiting way of supporting the unemployed as wages are comparatively less for many online jobs and people working in fields that require human labour can’t really find themselves fit in a digital world. But, the whole point of online jobs is to keep employment intact even with low wages.

Online startups are another way to prove yourself out to the world while sitting in your home. Startups are emerging as the bright spot and proving to be the new avenue for the growth of the economy and jobs in general, and for the IT and IT-enabled sectors, in particular. Next only to the US and China in attracting investment, India seems to be in a pole position. Startups have also given a push to the ‘gig economy’, with people taking up contractual, part- time and online jobs. Taking up a new venture online demands lesser investment when compared to an onsite company, and is likely to have more opportunities to expand due to the present situation.

Credits: Oberlo

Some online job sites suitable for students and freelancers:

Robert Half





It has been nearly 4 months since theatres shut down due to the pandemic outbreak. Until now, 7 Indian movies have decided to move forward as straight-to-OTT releases.

Credits: Social News XYZ & IMDB

Digital release has many benefits.

  • OTT release will ensure a wider reach. Many films don’t reach the desired audience since every theatre has to be paid for a smooth release. If you release a film on OTT, you not only receive a good price but also get relieved that you don’t have to pay for every screening.
  • OTT releases won’t get censored. While there are a number of prices viewers are complaining about in the film business, one thing not many know is the censor certification fees in India is very high, especially for feature length films. OTT releases would also deliver content as promised and envisioned by the makers.
  • Content can be streamed anywhere and is more affordable.

Not forgetting the fact that the livelihood of many workers as distributors and theatre owners are under a huge risk. But the digital platforms we have are doing their best to improve their facilities and provide better experience.

Netflix got 16 million new sign ups, total social media usage increased by 87% and new technologies implemented in major social media platforms like Instagram are mainly remarkable.

Some interesting updates in social media platforms can be looked closer.

Instagram Reels

  • Instagram Reels allows users to create videos of up to 15 seconds; unlike Instagram Stories that lasted for a couple of seconds.
  • Users can edit Reels by choosing from a range of filters, AR effects and audio files.
  • If you have a public account, your Reels will be available on Instagram’s Explore section.
Credits: TechCrunch & Engadget

Snapchat “Here for you”

Snap Inc., the parent company of Snapchat, in collaboration with Mariwala Health Initiative and non-profit Manas Foundation, rolled out mental health support to users in India in form of a new update. Users who are struggling with mental health or going through an emotional crisis can avail the help of the feature. The feature will also help those who want to learn more about these issues.

New mobile apps and platforms only for entertainment purpose including gaming sprouted up and having time within home wasn’t turning worse because all of us have a route to connect with society. So,our social distancing policy was transformed to physical distancing policy by the development of advanced technologies which allowed us to stay connected with society.


Educational institutions were fully shut down since the beginning of the outbreak. Even though there was an uncertainty in carrying out the educational requirements, the governments are working on this and necessary steps are being taken.

Many new technologies are emerging and existing ones are improving themselves to make the learning experience better. Let us have a glance at some emerging technologies in e-learning.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer technology that utilizes Virtual Reality headsets or multi-projected environments, sometimes in conjunction with props or physical environments, in order to create realistic sounds, images, and other sensations that promote a user’s physical presence in an imaginary or virtual environment.

The functional applicability of Virtual Reality has made it an incredibly popular tech in e-Learning. VR can transmit students to the farthest corners of the universe in just a blink of an eye and surround them with an engaging and deeply educational environment. An improved motivation to learn is another key benefit. Students will no longer be stuck with pages upon pages of boring text, bullet points, and illustrations, but they will have a chance to actually go through the experience and get the most out of it instead. Virtual Reality holds great potential and is expected to go further beyond gaming, to include areas such as training and education, as well as VR films, sports, and music.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. This, also, includes real-world sensory input like video, graphics, or sound.

When it comes to e-Learning, Augmented Reality can make the learning process more interesting and easier to grasp. For instance, if you were an online instructor and your target subject was astronomy, you could offer your students a virtual tour of Mars without asking anyone to leave their home. The concept would also be excellent for research. Experts predict that the AR market could be worth $200 billion by 2024, showing real potential for the future.

Credits: VR Vision

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is referred to the intelligence displayed by machines, as opposed to natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals. It is revolutionizing the whole e-Learning experience due to the many advantages it has to offer. AI can help highlight areas that require improvement and assist students in focusing on areas where they are lagging. Furthermore, the technology can also create more realistic experiences compared to traditional linear pre-programmed lessons and e-Learning courses.

Big Data

Big Data allows e-Learning experts to understand how the users are digesting the information and which learning aspects appeal the most to them. In addition to that, it allows them to pinpoint learning interactions that should be fine-tuned within the e-Learning module or course. Based on the learning patterns, e Learning experts can predict where learners may excel or struggle. This way, they can improve their e Learning courses so that the learners get a fair opportunity to accomplish the best possible outcome.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a field of computer science that gives computers the capacity to learn without being directly programmed. There is a range of benefits that Machine Learning can offer to online learners, as well as organisations that invest in LMS platforms. First of all, Machine Learning has the ability to offer more custom e Learning solutions based on the learner’s past performance and learning goals. Secondly, it enables efficient resource allocation since online learners receive the exact e Learning resources they require in order to fill knowledge gaps and accomplish their learning goals.

Credits: Simplilearn

Wearable Devices

Wearable devices also referred to as wearables, are smart electronic devices that can be worn on the body as accessories or implants . These wearable devices can act as versatile corporate training tools since they have the capacity to deliver training experiences virtually anywhere. Wearable devices have the potential to take scenarios and simulations to the next level, which is why they can be used to make learning solutions much more interesting and comprehensible.

The times are hard and the only way to cope with the situation without losing hope is to stay informed about the changes and advancements. We can make our own contributions and endorse in relieving activities. Human life is all about survival. Hence, consider yourself a warrior with arms and ambitions in this battle and never let the enemy dominate you in the field.

Do check out our previous articles on how different technological advancements are helping people across the world to survive this pandemic:

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