The iExec V3 Release Tour

Florent Derue
Published in
5 min readJun 7, 2019

After weeks on the road throughout May, between Europe, Asia, and the US, we wanted to give an insight into the some of the places we’ve stopped as part of the iExec V3 release tour. These events were an occasion to present the new many new solutions from iExec and to spread the word about the recent V3 release.

🇺🇸 Consensus/Building The Next Web/Blockchain Week NYC — USA

iExec co-founder Dr Haiwu He and CTO Oleg, were at Consensus, New York City on May 13. One of the biggest annuals gatherings in the crypto sphere, it was important for iExec to network for new business prospects and meeting potential partners.

Announcements during Consensus

During the conference, iExec also co-announced the release of the official EEA Off-Chain Trusted Compute Specification V1.0. The document is intended to be the industry standard for blockchain-based trusted computation. As the chair of the Trusted Compute Working Group in EEA (Enterprise Ethereum Alliance), iExec, Intel and ConsenSys, were the three main authors of the specification.

Blockchain Week NYC

Also as part of New York blockchain week, Oleg Lodygensky, iExec CTO, was also in New York to present the iExec solution. He spoke on how the decentralized marketplace for cloud computing resources can play a role in the AI industry. You can watch the entire presentation on YouTube.

🇮🇹 Living Planet Symposium — Milan, Italy

Living Planet Symposium is an event held every 3 years by the European Space Agency, focusing on Earth Observation and emerging technologies for scientific research in this field. In this year’s installment, there was a particular interest in blockchain.

Jean-Charles Cabelguen, chief of Innovation at iExec, addressed the space sector audience, introducing the iExec Data Wallet to projects involved the ‘earth observation’, a field in need of infrastructure to securely share algorithms and massive amounts of data.

Jean-Charles speaking at ESA LPS 2019

🇫🇷 VivaTech — Paris, France

iExec was also at VivaTech in Paris. A leading technology exhibition with over 120 000 visitors, annually hosts prestigious guests such as Alibaba Cofounder Jack Ma or the president of France.

Invited by Inria, the computer science research institute that Gilles has been a part of since 2004, iExec had the opportunity to introduce the project to actors in the French tech ecosystem. We had the opportunity to talk with the French minister of education Fréderique Vidal who visited the booth, as well as corporate leaders who wanted to know more about Blockchain and the optimization of cloud resources.

The day after, Gilles Fedak gave a talk at the INRIA Business Club at Station F, an organization gathering more than 100 businesses in the tech domain. The goal was to share experiences with other members and discuss the choice between ‘Internal Cloud, Public Cloud, or Hybrid Cloud’.

Gilles Fedak speaking at Inria Business Cloud (Station F)

🇮🇪 Open Fog Consortium — Cork, Ireland

iExec, being a member of the Open Fog Consortium and the Industrial Industry Consortium, iExec was invited to the Smart Manufacturing Forum in Ireland. Lei Zhang, Head of Security, and Haiwu He, iExec Co-Founder, introduced ‘iExec for Enterprise’(introduced as part of iExec V3), meeting with representatives in industries such as Energy, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Smart-Cities, Retail, and Transportation.

🇮🇹 Seminari Bordoni — Rome, Italy

iExec was invited to Seminari Bordoni by the FUB, a significant research institution for the integration of IT solutions nationwide in Italy. Gilles presented the Data Wallet and other solutions new to iExec V3.

Italian tech news covered iExec at the conference and how they are leading the way to Web3.0: ⬅️📰

🇫🇷 AI Meetup with SAP & JobTeaser — Paris, France

Enhance and monetize your AI data and algorithms with the blockchain.
The workshop by Eric Rodriguez, iExec Product Manager, presented the benefits of Blockchain for AI. In particular, the use of decentralized and free marketplaces for computing resources. Two use cases were presented, including NSFW Dapp, available on the iExec Data Store. He gave the audience an introduction on how to initiate a project and monetize data such as AI algorithms through iExec.

🇰🇷 ETHCon, Seoul, South Korea

Last but not least, iExec presented V3 at ETHCon in South Korea, a country that is an extremely influential market in the crypto-space. The slides presented to the Ethereum developer community can be found below ⬇️

Upcoming events:

Although the initial release month is over, there are many more events planned to promote the project, give practical iExec dev workshops and spread the word about what’s upcoming:

V3 Post-Release Party, Lyon June 18

APRIL Meetup, Lyon, 25 June

AFCB Meetup, Paris, 29 June

Asseth/iExec Workshop, Lyon, 2 July

Web3 Summit, Berlin, 19–21 August

Dappcon, Berlin 21-23 August

Devcon5, Osaka, October 8–11

More from iExec:

iExec recently launched the much anticipated iExec V3. See below for more information on the new feature and adoption announcements, including the fact that iExec V4 (High-performance computing and GPU) will be coming much earlier than planned! Learn more:

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