iExec Dev Letter #1: Introducing our Regular Update Series — 15 May 2017

Gilles Fedak
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2017

Communication is key for project’s success and is even more important when such a great community is involved in the project development. For this, we decided to keep the iExec community informed on the current status of the project by a bi-weekly letter. As, you may imagine, we were pretty busy the first days after the ICO, and we are now extremly happy and excited to report about our recent progresses. To be the first informed, subscribe to our newsletter now!

The team

Last week, we had the first face-to-face meeting in Lyon with the whole team which gathered members from France (Lyon, Paris), China, Romania, and Belgium. It has been a real joy for us to find ourselves and a huge excitement to start tracing the lines of what in the next few years will become the most exciting adventure of our lives.

The iExec crew; from the left to right: Ishak (full stack jr dev.), Mircea (biz. dev.), Oleg (scientist, dev.), Jorge (jr devops), Julien (CM, PR), Hamid (blockchain, biz. dev.), Haiwu (chief scientist, co-founder), Gilles (CEO, co-founder), Mehdi (blockchain dev.), Yassine (CM, PR). As you can see, we need bigger office now ;-)

Obviously, the team is going to increase significantly, up to 15/20 people in the course of 2017. We’re actively looking for developers with serious references, and able to tackle the biggest challenges: GPU programing (OpenCL/Cuda), Java with a focus in distributed system, Ethereum (solidity, truffle, parity, …), security (applied cryptography), devops (CI, container, VM, …), UI/UX developer, graphic designer, and more. We’re also looking for young researcher(s) with strong background in distributed systems. In parallel, the team will also grow on the marketing side, and we’re looking immediately for a great business developer as well as a community manager to manage the relationship with our growing community. Interested in joining the iExec team ? contact us (

The roadmap

We’ve decided to come back to you with bi-weekly updates, in order to keep you posted with iExec’s evolution. We’ve created a public Trello Roadmap where you’ll be able to follow us and give us your feedback through comments.

Please note the following points:

  • To understand the evolution of the project, we advise you to read the white paper. This document is quite dense and sometime complex. Don’t hesitate to join the slack and ask us if you find that some points are obscure.
  • This Trello is only for public communication and does not reflect the work that is ongoing internaly in the team. We’ll update it on a regular basis to show the progress.
  • Our Github is opened and, in particular points to the XtremWeb-HEP software, which is the cornerstone tech for iExec. We publicize code here when we think that it’s ready for being used by developers, as we did for the RLC token. In our opinion, evaluating the progress of iExec by monitoring the activity on github is simply wrong. Instead, success indicators are given in the white paper at each step of the project (namely on each version of the iExec roadmap). For instance, indicators for version 1 are the number of Dapps supported and the number of transactions for off-chain computation. We’ll give a dedicated UI, so that you can easely track our performance.
  • V1 Community Edition: our team is working on building V1 that will enable Dapps running on the Ethereum Blockchain to access off-chain computing ressources. We’re refining the smart contract API for off-chain task execution and we’ll release as early as possible the first “simplistic” API.
  • vanitygen and stockfish Demo. At EDCON, we released a short PoC for iExec that allowed to use the RLC token to pay for the computation of a Bitcoin vanity address. The code for this demo has not yet been opened because it doesn’t rely on the iExec API. When the API is released, it will be distributed as an example tutorial for developpers. Similarly, a second demo based on the stockfish chess engine will be soon released on testnet (ropsten).

Thanks for keeping up with the project and see you in 2 weeks for the development letter #2 !

