iExec Developer Bounties Season 2: Meet the new Dapps!

Published in
6 min readOct 13, 2022

Three months ago, iExec launched its Season 2 of bounties to reward developers who build on iExec. There have been some amazing projects created as a result of this program. Today we are happy to highlight some of these Dapps. Congratulations to everyone who worked to deliver them!

Back in July, we released Season 2 of the iExec bounty program. The first season in 2021 focused on apps using the iExec Oracle Factory, off-chain computing, and confidential computing technology. This season was the opposite: we wanted the focus to be on ‘tooling’ to improve iExec usage. Eight bounties were available, with 30K RLC up for grabs.

Three months after the launch of this new round of bounties, almost all of them have been claimed. We are very impressed by what’s been built to improve and simplify the user experience on the iExec technology. We’re so happy with the results that we wanted to brag about your work to the community (and offer congratulations, too)!

=> For those not yet familiar with bounties: they are a chance for developers to earn rewards for delivering pre-defined material. This could be code for applications, user interfaces, dashboards, tooling… When the deliverable is successfully met within the specified deadline, iExec pays out a reward in RLC. In exchange, iExec gets a general enrichment of its ecosystem. The iExec bounties can be claimed by anybody who is up for the challenge.

👉 Tooling Dapps for iExec Marketplace users

To facilitate user experience and journey on the iExec Marketplace, some of the bounties available this season were created to ease a user’s journey on the Marketplace.

A User Interface for Dataset Managers

On the iExec Marketplace, computing assets can be traded like any other commodity. The goal of this bounty was to create an intuitive UI for people who want to monetize the use of their datasets on the iExec Marketplace. With the UI created by @joeybekkink, now users can upload any type of dataset as an NFT, manage to rent it according to their parameters, and get paid in RLC.

A User Interface for Dapp Managers

Managing a Dapp that has been deployed on iExec requires multiple tools to understand, visualize, and manage all the application interactions. Thanks to the user interface created by @joeybekkink, Dapp Managers can now utilize a dashboard to view all their deployed apps, their usage, and any revenue generated. They are also able to manage all their orders and address any necessary governance.

👉 Tooling Dapps for the iExec Marketplace and Private Worker Pools

Another set of Season 2 bounties was dedicated to improving the user experience on our platform. We have especially been asked for tools to improve visibility on the iExec Marketplace and we are happy to be able to implement the following dashboards.

Workerlytics — A Dashboard for the iExec Worker Pools

Users of worker pools want to monitor the activity and/or the tasks recorded on their deployed worker pool. developed an easy-to-understand dashboard to track and monitor the activity on all the Workerpools deployed on the iExec sidechain. It provides metrics about the latest activities, the tasks processed and completed, and the RLC in transit.

The Marketplace Pulse — A Dashboard for the iExec Sidechain using The Graph

This dashboard monitors all the metrics of the iExec Sidechain Bellecour… which is very impressive because there are a lot of metrics to follow on the iExec Marketplace. Thanks to Waterdrop01#8826 (Discord), you now have all metrics on one page to become all-knowing.

👉 Applicative Dapps using iExec

PredictMe — An off-chain Dapp using iExec:

The goal of this bounty was to create an application to execute deterministic computational tasks off-chain, while the computational result is brought back on-chain. Ilievski-david#1163 (Discord) built PredictMe, a Dapp for price prediction on Crypto Pairs. This Dapp uses a TEE mode (here, an SGX enclave) to protect the integrity of the AI model processed.

👀 Ready for a challenge? There are 2 bounties left:

UI/UX improvement proposals for the iExec Marketplace

Placing an order on the iExec Marketplace requires various parameters to be specified manually. For someone that is new to — or doesn’t have a lot of knowledge of — iExec, this can be extremely complex. To complete this bounty, suggest improvements on the UX/UI for the iExec Marketplace.

A Dapp using iExec at EthGlobal Hackathon

This bounty proposal is open to any developer willing to use the iExec stack for any project during an ETHGlobal Hackathon. The idea behind it is to reward a project that uses iExec as a showcase. The Dapp needs to be an innovative use case and includes: at least one component of the iExec stack, the use of RLC in one of the mechanisms of your Dapp, a description of the Dapp and/or a video presentation, and a Github repo for your Dapp.

We are looking forward to seeing your work!

For those who are already thinking about the iExec Bounties Season 3, it will include application use-case bounties. As always, stay tuned.

Thanks for reading!

🔎 How to claim a bounty?

Bounties can be claimed by anyone who is up for the challenge! To apply for a bounty, you must use the iExec stack and provide all the resources you used. Oh yeah, and you can’t use someone else’s code. Once you’ve submitted your proposal, the iExec team should be in touch with you within 2 weeks. After your work has been delivered, payment will be made through the Gitcoin platform. Note: Bounties are active as soon as they are published. When bounties are started, they must be completed within 8 weeks.

💰 Looking for other ways to get rewarded building on iExec?

Do you have a project idea that could use iExec? Apply to the Developer Reward Program and receive funding and infrastructure support to build your project:

🔧 Need help?

Visit our Notion space to find general information about the bounties and the iExec Developer Rewards Program, make proposals for applications, browse open bounties, find info on funding rounds, and see previously delivered bounties and grants!

