iExec Presenting Trusted Execution Environments For Decentralized Cloud at IBM Think, Las Vegas, March 19–22, 2018

Gilles Fedak
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2018

iExec, the leader in blockchain-based decentralized cloud computing, has been making efforts to significantly enhance the security of decentralized cloud computing by implementing most advanced security technologies. One of these focuses on Intel’s SGX solution, as iExec is part of the early access program of Data Guard on IBM Cloud to employ SGX-based solutions to secure the iExec decentralized cloud.

Currently available in early access, Data Guard on IBM Cloud, powered by Fortanix Runtime Encryption platform, uses Intel® SGX technology and offers easy to use and powerful services that accelerate the protection of decentralized applications (dapps) with Intel SGX enclaves.

With this technology, iExec is able to protect and scale the dapps leveraging the decentralized cloud composed of untrusted nodes.

iExec will present the solution at IBM Think 2018 (19–22 March). Gilles Fedak, CEO of iExec, will join the Cloud & Security panel.

“iExec is the pioneer to employ SGX technology to enhance the security in a blockchain-based ecosystem, and we are very pleased to join a discussion panel at IBM Think to talk about security and iExec’s decentralized cloud computing marketplace”, announces Gilles Fedak, CEO of iExec.

During IBM Think 2018, iExec will show how the platform allows participants to contribute and monetize their own computing resources, and how Data Guard can be integrated in the iExec ecosystem to secure the blockchain-based decentralized cloud.

“Mixing software and hardware encryption could be a great solution to improve the security of decentralized projects”, explains Jean-Charles Cabelguen, Chief of Innovation at iExec.

Join us at the IBM Think 2018 Cloud Security Panel

Panel Information

  • Title: Customer Panel: Cloud is an Opportunity to Do Security Right
  • Time: Thursday, 10:30 AM — 11:10 AM Session ID: 8927A
  • Location: Mandalay Bay South, Level 2 Lagoon H

“Intel SGX is the only technology that can protect data in use through hardware based server security. Data Guard allows running SGX in an agile environment, by integrating with their CI/CD systems. We believe this amazing technology can significantly enhance the security of iExec’s decentralized cloud. We are reinventing the cloud in a more secure way”, states Lei Zhang, responsible of R&D on Security at iExec.

About Fortanix:

Fortanix delivers provable deterministic security to organizations by offering the industry’s only Runtime Encryption. While today’s encryption technologies protect only data at rest and data in motion, Runtime Encryption keeps keys, data and applications completely protected while in use from external and internal threats.

About iExec:

iExec is the leader on Blockchain based decentralized cloud computing. iExec builds an ecosystem where entities (e.g. traditional cloud providers, research centers or even individuals) can contribute and monetize their own computing resources in a secure way.

iExec aims to decentralize cloud computing market by building the future of the Internet infrastructure. We are developing the first blockchain cloud computing platform. iExec aims at providing to companies a scalable, secure and easy access to the services, the data-sets and the computing resources they need. Our technology relies on the Ethereum smart contracts and allows building a virtual Cloud infrastructure that provides high-performance computing services on demand.

Located in the area of Lyon, the project is based on the research work of Gilles Fedak, Haiwu He and Oleg Lodygensky. These three are all accredited researchers at INRIA, CNRS and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. They have been active since 2000 in researching grid-computing, the technology which enables to decentralize computing.

