iExec Secret-Management-Service Upgrade

Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2023

iExec is pleased to announce an upgrade of the iExec SMS (Secret Management Service).

The update window begins on December 4, 2023, 13:00 UTC until December 4, 2023, 16:00 UTC. Convert to your local time here

What is improved?

The previous version of the SMS, while successful in maintaining strict security to preserve assets, had certain limitations.

Making any changes to the SMS codebase or migrating the machine would necessitate a restart of the service, resulting in the loss of all secrets.

This new version brings upgradability, as well as other improvements in secret management:

- Retain previously-stored secrets when upgrading the SMS

iExec has various further improvements in its roadmap, and we are committed to making these transparent.

- Enhanced SMS performance

- Retain secrets while migrating SMS to a new host

The Cloud Service Provider (CSP) regularly requests server migration for Trust Execution Environment (TEE) machines.

What is the impact on apps and datasets deployed in the previous version (8.2)?

All assets such as Apps or Datasets that use secrets will no longer be supported by computation. Their associated secrets must be republished in the Secret Management Service.

Once they are republished, all assets remain accessible and are transferred to the new version of the SMS once they are republished.

As a user of iExec Web3Mail, iExec Oracle Factory or any other iExec dApps, you may notice that you will experience downtime until the dApps have been successfully migrated.

For iExec Oracle Factory and iExec Web3Mail, the migration will occur right after the release.

If secrets are not republished in the iExec Secret Management Service, they will no longer be accessible for future use.

ℹ️ What is required of you?

Once the migration is complete (December 4 16:00 UTC), you will need to republish any secrets associated with your assets (apps and datasets).

We will be publishing a migration guide within our docs:

For additional assistance, reach out at or in the Discord Support channel.

Thank you for supporting us and building on iExec! Need a new implementation for your use? Get in touch via Discord.

