iExec Summit & Party — 02 Nov, 2018, Prague

iExec invites you to join us for a whole afternoon and evening of free blockchain and tech-themed workshops, talks, discussions; food, drink, and parties!

Gilles Fedak
8 min readAug 23, 2018


The perfect way to make some new connections or just unwind and relax after the official Devcon4 event on Friday.

For those in a hurry — TL:DR: Our event involves a mix of technical talks from guest speakers, workshops and fun. Our speakers (Intel, Parity, Ubisoft and other developers from interesting projects) will share their expertise and latest exciting news from 15:00 until 19:00. Afterwards, we’ll party with food, drink and good company 🎉

🎟 Register for free tickets here: 🎟

🚌 Note: Shuttle buses will be leaving from the Devcon4 conference regularly from 13:00

Complete program details can be found at the bottom of the page

🎟 Register for free tickets here: 🎟

What kind of computing infrastructure for a decentralized world?

As we enter the era of decentralization, we will see profound changes in the foundations of the Internet itself. Public blockchains such as Ethereum become the central element of decentralized applications. Smart contract programming allows for the exchange of value and data, solves identification and authorization problems and brings out new algorithms for consensus and economic incentives. Nevertheless we are still far from the promise of a “global computer”.

In coordination with Devcon4 conference, the first iExec workshop aims to bring together those for whom infrastructure and evolution of the internet is an important subject. The summit will be attended by Dapp developers, miners, blockchain hackers, decentralized protocol designers — from startups, industry, and academic backgrounds.

The objective of the workshop is to exchange experiences on the implementation of these emerging blockchain-based decentralized infrastructures. A program of reputable speakers from the field will address topics such as scalability, security, performance, protocol design and evaluation, and many more. A particular focus on iExec will allow everyone to get hands-on with the technology in a simple and informative way. In addition, several sessions will be dedicated to executing real life applications. The workshop is free and open to the general public. Anyone interested in learning more about using state-of-the-art technologies around the Ethereum blockchain is welcome.

🎟 Register for free tickets here: 🎟


Opero is the perfect place for the Summit & Party. It’s in the center of the City and also not too far away from Prague Congress Centre where the Devcon4 takes place this year.

Opero — 8 Salvátorská — 110 00 Praha 1 — CZECHIA

🚌 Shuttle busses will be leaving from the Devcon4 conference regularly from 13:00


The iExec team invite you to join us for a whole afternoon and evening of blockchain and tech themed workshops, talks, discussions; food, drink and parties!

Register for free tickets here:

The perfect way to make some new connections or just unwind and relax after the official Devcon4 event on Friday.


The presentations will be in the afternoon and the party in the evening.

Summit Opening

15:00 — Gilles Fedak & Haiwu He: The Future of iExec

Presenting an update of the project’s development and what the future holds for the Decentralized Cloud.

Session 1: Scalability and infrastructure

15:30 — Fabian Gompf: Polkadot & Parity Substrate — a new foundation for blockchain innovators

Polkadot is a platform that allows diverse blockchains to transfer messages, including value, in a trust-free fashion; sharing their unique features while pooling their security. In brief, Polkadot is a scalable heterogeneous multi-chain technology. Parity Substrate is a development framework to build new blockchains from scratch.

Fabian Gompf is VP of Technology Partnerships @ Parity Technologies

15:50 — Michael Wuehler — Infura

Infura’s experience running Ethereum nodes as a public service and the challenges to scale that over the last 3 years. This includes challenges like how to spin up capacity quickly, how to optimize our architecture for the cloud, and some unforeseen challenges we encountered.

16:05 — Mo Dong (Celer Network) — Bring Internet scale to every blockchain

Celer Network is a coherent technology and economic architecture that brings Internet scale to existing and future blockchains through off-chain scaling techniques.

Mo Dong is CEO and co-founder of Celer Network.

16:20 — Lukas Pfeiffer (Genesis Mining) — Genesis Mining group, core businesses and beyond

Genesis Mining was founded at the end of 2013. As the cryptocurrency mining company and its user base grew, new mining farms were built up and several additional people hired, specifically programmers and engineers. Genesis Mining group is one of the first player of the crypto scene. The presentation will emphase the actual strategies of Genesis Mining group.

16:35 Break

Session 2: Decentralized applications

16:50 — Oleg Lodygensky, Eric Rodriguez, Jean-Charles Cabelguen (iExec) — Building your Dapps using the iExec SDK and Marketplace

This presentation will give an overview of various components of iExec: the SDK that allows to build scalable and secured Dapps on iExec, the Marketplace that allows to access a distributed computing infrastructure as well as, the DappStore to publish your applications. A demo will present how these tools can be simply used. Finally, we’ll give an overview of recent DApps development using the SDK.

Oleg Lodygensky is CTO, Eric Rodriguez is Product Manager, Jean-Charles Cabelguen is Chief Innovation and Adoption at iExec

17:20 — Mircea Moca: SynergyCrowds + iExec — a use case for sentiment analysis on crypto tweets

Sentiment analysis is one of the applications built within the SynergyCrowds platform. Its objective is filtering the noise created around the crypto markets, and Bitcoin, in particular. Being a popular subject, of course there is a lot of related gossip. For the crypto world players, when analysing the cryptocurrencies market, the vox populi can be a valuable indicator. Our solution uses Recurrent Neural Networks, a specific method of deep learning, being able to find correlations between different data points given as input. In the current state, we considered the sentiment in the cryptocurrency markets as either positive or negative, and built a mechanism to quantify the intensity of these sentiments. For accelerating the computations of the app, the platform uses the iExec technology.

Mircea Moca is the CEO and Co-founder of SynergyCrowds

17:35 — Daan Helsloot (Troubadour)— Scalable Natural Language Processing on the Blockchain

What would it be like if we could have a system which mimics the way humans read text and integrate new information with what is known of the past but unlike humans, will not forget any detail, will keep track of all the facts and will even know when and how stories were told differently by sources? Introduction to natural language processing and a platform that extracts what happened to whom, when and where from an immense stack of information: NewsReader. Presentation of the Dapp Troubadour: A web application leveraging the power of the iExec marketplace to provide easy-to-use and scalable NLP processing of text for everyone.

Daan Helsloot is Developer at VU University Amsterdam

17:50 — Sajida Zouarhi: Blind computation & Blockchain

Discover what kind of cryptographic methods can help you perform computation over private data. Introduction to a decentralized blind computation platform: HellHound. Presentation of a use case of Dapp that will use this system to perform matching over medical data for renal transplants: Kidner.

Sajida Zouarhi is Blockchain architect ConsenSys

18:05 — Nicolas Pouard: Decentralization: The Challenges for a Major Game Publisher

The opportunities and limitations of blockchain within the gaming industry.

Nicolas Pouard is Blockchain Initiative Manager @ Ubisoft

18:20 Break

Session 3: Security in Trustless Environments

18:35 — Petar Tsankov: Fundamentals of Blockchain Security

Being an open, decentralized and unstoppable Blockchain comes with a price: every mistake is just as open, decentralized and unstoppable. To prevent those, a firm understanding of the fundamentals is needed and a comprehensive tool-suite to help in detection. We are giving an overview of the state of the art in declarative static analysis, symbolic model execution and AI-based transaction fuzzing based on current research at ETH Zurich ICE center in cooperation with ChainSecurity. This includes a sneak-peek of the tools for production-use in your own project!

Petar Tsankov is Chief Scientist at ChainSecurity

18:50 — Christof Fetzer — Scone / SGX — TBA

Building Trusted DApps with SCONE for the iExec Platform¶

In this talk I will briefly introduce SCONE and show how to build trusted DApps with the help of SCONE. In particular, I will introduce the SCONE transparent attestation mechanism and integrated secrets management service. I will also explain why SCONE scales better than competing approaches while providing transparent protection of applications.

Christof Fetzer is Systems Engineer Professor at TU Dresden

19:10 — Sanjay Bakshi: Models for scalable and privacy protecting Ethereum Smart Contracts with Intel SGX

Scalability and Privacy are significant challenges for both Public and Enterprise Ethereum. Trusted Compute such as Intel SGX provides a viable option today. Enterprise Ethereum has defined an interface to invoke various types of Trusted Computes in a standardized fashion. Our vision is to have a common Trusted Compute interface for both Public and Enterprise deployments. Intel is committed to supporting the ecosystem in delivering implementations for broad deployments.

Sanjay Bakshi is Principal Engineer at Intel. Directing Blockchain Scalability, Privacy and Security initiative at Intel with focus on Ethereum.

19:30 — Lei Zhang (iExec) — Blockchain and Intel SGX: iExec facilitates a new era for privacy and security.

iExec has announced the release of the iExec End-to-end SGX Solution, the first Intel SGX scalable solution for businesses to bring security to blockchain-based computing. Working in partnership with Scontain UG, the iExec solution is the first ever complete toolkit, including SDK developer tools and technical documentation, for businesses to easily employ Intel SGX enclaves to ensure the end-to-end protection of any blockchain products.

Lei Zhang is Chief of security and cryptography at iExec

19:50 — Closing remarks

Party (20:00)

Food, drinks and entertainments will be served at 20:00.

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