iExec Workerdrop #1 — Turn your computer into a worker and earn RLC

On July 20th, 8am UTC, iExec will run its first Workerdrop. The goal is to guide workers through the process of sharing their computing resources and to test, validate and scale the iExec network on Mainnet.

Julien Béranger
3 min readJul 17, 2018



The iExec team are working on Public worker pools made up of Intel SGX enabled machines, and trusted computing capabilities — this takes time, as it is a little more complex than the public worker pools we had before (during worker drop event). At the moment we’re working on improving the scalability and reliability of the software to be able to match worker demand. We aim for this to be a worker pool for confidential computing, with a better experience, with oracles feeding the demand for computation.

What is a Workerdrop?

iExec is a marketplace for cloud computing resources. It’s the first time that computing power can be traded like a commodity. Having recently deployed all its features on the Ethereum mainnet, the goal of the iExec Workerdrop is therefore to educate and encourage any computer owner to open a new revenue stream by providing their computing power as worker’’

On iExec, workers (or machines/servers/miners) are organised in pools. During this Workerdrop, you’re invited to connect to an iExec public worker pool in order to earn RLC tokens while you contribute to the network. iExec will place several work orders on the marketplace, playing the role of dapp end-users.

Three separate workerdrops are scheduled. Each will gradually introduce the main steps to becoming a worker on iExec.

  • During the first Workerdrop, one worker will be selected per work execution. No staking of RLC will be required. This first Workerdrop will stand for 8 hours. One worker will be selected at random every 10min.
  • During the second Workerdrop, the execution will be replicated on three workers to increase the level of security. No staking will be needed. This second Workerdrop will stand for 24h.
  • During the third Workerdrop, the execution will also be replicated on three workers and, as it will run with PoCo, staking will be required. This Workerdrop features all the processes implied by a fully-operational worker pool on iExec. This third Workerdrop will also stand for 24h.

The first Workerdrop runs the 20th of July from 8am UTC to 6pm UTC. Follow the steps below and make sure you are ready!

iExec public worker pool dashboard

How to participate?

The rules are simple: you join the iExec public worker pool and earn RLC when selected to execute a computation. The more you contribute to the network, the greater chances you have to earn RLC.

To participate, you need to launch a virtual machine provided by iExec (iExec Worker VM) where the environment is already installed and configured. To run the iExec Worker VM, the minimum hardware requirements are:

  • 4GB of RAM
  • 2 Core CPUs


To join the public worker pool, all you need to fill your wallet with some ETH and RLC, connect and get ready to compute! (Please follow the docs and use the Virtual Machina (VM) option)WebsiteBlogSlackTelegramRedditTwitterFacebookLinkedInYoutubeGithubKakaoInstagramSteemitKatacodaDocs



Julien Béranger
Writer for

DevRel at Arthera | Member of the W3HC | Co-founder of Āto | Founder of Strat | Volunteer at Emmaüs Connect