Project Update May 23 - iExec’s Strategic Focus on Use Cases

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6 min readJun 2, 2023

Marketplace Strategy: iExec’s Focus on Select Use Cases

As we continue to evolve the iExec Marketplace, we’re excited to share an update on how we approach how both end users and developers of apps on the platform, and more importantly how they get value from it. But first, let’s rewind — how did we get here?

First and foremost, our goal is to empower end users to discover the most valuable applications available to them. We want to ensure that they can easily find and utilize applications that cater to their specific needs. Simultaneously, we aim to offer an environment that fosters the development of high-value applications by providing developers with the necessary resources and incentives to build, so that they can monetize their apps within the iExec ecosystem.

After conducting extensive market research, including collaborations with Gartner research, we identified five target market segments: Governance, Protection, Privacy, Compliance, and Data-Processing. In addition, we defined six customer profiles (Requesters), including both Web2 and Web3 actors. By aligning the target segments with the customer profiles, we have generated a vast list of Use Cases for iExec marketplace apps. To prioritize that list, we scored these apps based on Value & Feasibility, ultimately selecting seven priority Use Cases for iExec to focus on as part of the Marketplace strategy.

Identified Use Cases cover a range of exciting and transformative possibilities, such as in the cloud provider sector to privacy-preserving content monetization, from decentralized file sharing to trusted data analytics (more on all that later).

Through the iExec Marketplace, we will encourage and support developers in creating high-value applications within these use case categories. By concentrating our efforts on specific Use Cases, we can deliver more targeted solutions that genuinely bring value to both end-users and developers.

Marketing and Campaigns to support development within Use Cases

As we move forward, refining our marketing strategies will play a vital role in ensuring that these Use Case categories are effectively communicated and understood by our developer community and the wider audience. We recognize that conveying the value and potential of iExec tools requires clear and compelling messaging. iExec has carried out extensive work on its positioning and messaging in partnership with Hype, a leading agency specializing in Web3. They conducted a thorough analysis of our approach, target audiences, messaging, and communication channels. Their expertise helped us streamline our message, making it more concise and easily digestible. While we can’t share specific internal documents, we can confidently say that our messaging has significantly improved as a result. Additionally, we’ve hired marketing managers with extensive experience in both Web2 and Web3 marketing. These new hires will play a pivotal role in implementing marketing campaigns for our upcoming launches. We were also able to incorporate community feedback (which was also a huge reason we emphasized working on communication and messaging). Being able to simplify and amplify iExec’s message will enable us to reach and engage with a broader audience effectively.

You might notice iExec’s communication becoming more tightly linked to these priority Use Case categories, and the applications developed within them. This will include paid ads, a myriad of articles, social media campaigns, and promoted posts. We’ll also continue to provide extensive funding for app development within this Use Case in the form of bounties, grants, and hackathon sponsorship. iExec will of course offer tech support and promotion for the apps.

Introducing Privacy-Enhancing Marketing

The first Use Case being addressed for apps on the iExec Marketplace is Privacy-Enhancing Marketing. iExec will soon be releasing dev tools and documentation to support development in this category. Get ready for a new way for Web3 apps to communicate with users.

The “Privacy-Enhanced Marketing” (PEM) Use Case incorporates the combination of iExec blockchain technology with Confidential Computing, making way for a new era of privacy in marketing.

Recap: In iExec, ‘Confidential Computing’, aka Trusted Computing, utilizes Intel® SGX hardware enclaves to ensure secure data processing within a Trusted Execution Environment. These enclaves act as digital safes, offering memory encryption and permitting only approved code to function. They guarantee data confidentiality, even from hardware owners, providing robust protection against unauthorized entities, including admins and operating systems. This is crucial for data integrity in decentralized cloud environments, mitigating data leakage while facilitating data monetization.

By leveraging the powerful combination of blockchain and Confidential Computing, iExec can revolutionize how marketing activities are conducted, safeguarding sensitive data while driving innovation.

Privacy is a growing concern for both businesses and consumers alike. By focusing on Privacy-Enhanced Marketing, we aim to address this pressing need and offer a secure platform that empowers businesses to execute marketing campaigns while respecting user privacy. This is covered in more detail in our recent article

One of the first applications within this Privacy-Enhanced Marketing Use Case will be focused on email. It will allow users to monetize their personal data in the form of their email addresses, while Web3 companies can communicate with them. The email addresses are never revealed during use, and user privacy is preserved.

We are excited about the path ahead as we focus on addressing Use Case categories that offer significant value for both end users and developers. Combining iExec blockchain technology with confidential computing in the “Privacy-Enhanced Marketing” Use Case is just the beginning of our journey.

Over time we’ll launch dev tools, support, and marketing campaigns for other focus-Use Cases. But for now, you’ll be hearing a lot more about Privacy-Enhanced Marketing, and we can’t wait for our community to get involved with the first application.

Web3 Incubator — The first edition concludes!

If you’re an iExec follower, you’re likely aware of the Web3 Incubator we initiated last year in collaboration with H7, the start-up accelerator and Lyon member of the “French Tech”. This incubator, part of a larger program to democratize Web3 opportunities, aimed to foster the development of Web3 projects, merging iExec’s blockchain expertise with H7’s experience in entrepreneurship. After half a year of rigorous work, the first edition of this Web3 incubator has wrapped up!

We marked this milestone with a closing event in April, featuring presentations by the three supported startups and an inspiring talk by Sarah Diane Eck, Lum Network’s CEO and co-founder, and VP of France Digitale. We were thrilled to host over a hundred attendees — thank you for joining us if you did!

⏯You can catch the event’s recording on YouTube:

Reflecting on the first edition of our Web3 Incubator, we saw:

  • Over 45 mentorship sessions for the start-ups,
  • 3 major events to showcase progress and encourage community, each drawing larger crowds, and
  • 10 external expert collaborations including Deloitte, Sandbox, and Dogami.

Leveraging the iExec platform, the startups made great progress. Here’s what they achieved:

Ziplo is a start-up that facilitates the generation of digital evidence to safeguard creations and intellectual property. It offers a streamlined solution for transferring and storing files that empowers freelancers, small businesses, and SMEs to secure important documents with just three clicks. This user-friendly tool preserves the file for up to 15 years, depending on the user’s selection. Each file passing through Ziplo’s process is assigned a unique file fingerprint, a serial number, and a timestamp to ensure ownership verification. Throughout development, the team integrated blockchain recording and timestamping into the tool to boost trust and security, leveraging the iExec platform. Moreover, the team succeeded in raising funds and amplifying the number of monthly deposits to the platform twentyfold.

LAfricaMobile created a platform facilitating business-customer communication in Africa, experimenting with a new business model that rewards users for sharing personal data. To be specific, their platform allowed people to monetize the use of their data using the iExec stack: they share personal data with companies, which send them tailored SMS advertisements based on their interests, in return for free phone credit and data. Data security and privacy were ensured by the iExec blockchain and confidential computing solution.

Wearspaces sought to transform digital fashion with an immersive platform dressing up users’ digital identities. They worked with iExec to establish a user data governance system and successfully launched their platform in collaboration with major fashion houses.

We’re exploring ways to continue partnerships with these projects.

A huge congratulations to all for their fantastic work!

Following the success of the first edition, we’re excited to announce a new season of the Web3 Incubator with H7.

The call for applications is set for the latter half of 2023. So, if you’re in France and you’re looking at building a Web3 — keep an eye out!

Thanks for reading! Join us on Discord where, as ever, we’re happy to answer any questions you might have.

