a whale bus

Beginning something

Hopefully something great

Matthew Bradley
3 min readMay 11, 2016


It’s the hardest part, right? Putting your ideas down on paper, talking to potential customers, the 1st day at school…the beginning is always the most difficult part. So here’s to mine. I promised myself at the beginning of this year that I’d do more writing. I’ve done some blogging and writing in the past, and most recently for Forward Partners, but I think that it’s high time that I made more of a commitment.

Why, you ask?

Good question. The best question. In my job as a VC I ask it all the time. Usually I’m expecting pithy, rational, sound answers. I don’t really have one in return. I’m doing it for lots of reasons, but mainly to help both of us.

I’m lucky enough to: be exposed to tens of businesses and entrepreneurs every day, to spend at least a couple of hours each day reading so that I can offer better advice and pick the best investments and, occasionally, have the time to put the thoughts that I have in my head into text.

Hopefully you will find some of what I say insightful and useful. For me, I love writing and I feel as though I have something to give…so I’d rather put it out there instead of keeping it all to myself.


Good question. Not quite as good as the first, but solid. There will probably be some recurring themes here. Having just written “the thoughts that I have in my head into text”, it reminds me that one day I won’t have to. Artificial Intelligence is everywhere in the tech community right now. It will become omnipotent. Personally, I hope that while I’m still writing we’ll have achieved super-intelligence. Understanding technology and all of its wider economic, political, social and ethical impacts is what I live for and what I love. I fancy myself as a bit of an economist too, you’ll see.

That being said, I’m working on an eSports piece right now. There’ll be lots of more micro and of-the-day issues discussed, analysed and explained.

There’s a good chance that there will be some silly stuff too. I invest heavily in finding the funniest things that humans are up to. God bless the internet.


A less good question. I’ll write as often as I can, as eloquently as I can and be as perceptive and useful as possible. Some posts will be long, others will be short. One thing without which nothing can improve is feedback; so let me know what you think.

Here’s to you and me.


PS. The picture at the top is from this article on Singularity Hub. It’s an artist’s impression (dated back to ~1900) of something that might happen in the future. While cool, I’m sure that you agree that this is unlikely. Nonetheless, something that I do find interesting is how Magic Leap, one of the world’s pioneering Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality companies, use something incredibly similar to lead with.



Matthew Bradley
Personal Account Dealings

I like to change my mind a little, often. Investing @forwardprt. Lover of Spotify, books, venture and coconut water. Reliably infrequent blogger.