What gets you up in the morning, besides the alarm clock?

Mads Fuhr
If it stays in your head, you’re dead
2 min readJan 22, 2016

It’s the simplest of questions to ask, but the answer can be extremely difficult to find. For some, it takes a life time and for other just a few years. And for some, the answer never really appears.

What I’m obviously talking about here is the motivation, which drives you to set your alarm every night, and to get up in the morning, when it rings.

Some people are driven by pure financial win and success defined by the size of your bank account. However for most, the true driving force lies within other areas. This could just be things like being surrounded and sparring with other colleagues, challenged through everyday work tasks, or the feeling of helping people in need and doing a difference in the world.

If I sense a continuous growth and development within myself, both personal and profesionally, then I also feel motivated to get up and do it over and over agian.

For me, the absolute primary thing which drives my motivation engine, is the feeling of progress and personal/professional development. If I sense a continuous growth and development within myself, both personal and profesionally, then I also feel motivated to get up and do it again.

But I also know myself, and I’m very aware that after a while (yet to be exactly defined how long “a while” is), I tend to lose my momentum and thus lose my focus and excitement. Eventually I will have to extract myself from that project — in a profesional way of course — and engage in new adventures. This movement is what keeps my going.

That is in fact me in the Wadi Rum desert, Jordan — and I’m afraid of heights, so here I found motivation to face and conquer this challenge.

What about you, what drives your motivation engine?



Mads Fuhr
If it stays in your head, you’re dead

I envision honest & significant, digital experiences for real people. I do this through leadership & I always aim for creativity with a genuine business impact.