Enjoy the Universe.

Ryan Sims
If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.
2 min readMar 15, 2014


I’m outside on one of the first beautiful days that decided to show itself after winter. It’s nice out, and I’m noticing it.

You should too.

A few minutes ago I was sitting inside a fake atmosphere of carpet and ventilation. There was nice classical music playing but it was interrupted ever frequently with low priced cars and seemingly random foley. I sat where I often do on my couch, content, but a little bored. No wind, no real light, no evidence of life besides me.

Suddenly I opened the door, and exposed myself to a much happier and enjoyable moment than the one I had placed myself in. I can see the sun, it’s coming and going behind the clouds, taking away the warmth just enough so I can enjoy when it’s here. The wind is my music, blowing, giving me a sensation on my skin that isn’t felt or appreciated enough. There’s birds and tree branches fluttering all around me. I’m eating fresh cake. The sky looks like a blue and white mountain range slowly passing me by. My dog is here too, his tongue is out.

This is so nice.

I urge myself, and everyone to not accept anything that doesn’t make you happy. Maximize your happiness. Chase after the small things that you want. It’ll be worth it.

Go Outside.

