Students are looking for new pathways to employment

Simona Kostovska
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2018

Students go to college for a future job, but are not learning the right skills!

According to a recent education research, there is 13% decline in higher education at University and College, in the period of 2011 until end of 2017.

What’s happening?

We know that students in the creative and tech sectors are looking for new pathways to jobs. This much is clear. And, we suspect there’s one big reason why students are less interested in formal education:

Everywhere you go, you hear a variation of the same story. Technology is changing rapidly and people don’t feel like they are learning the right digital skills to succeed in the evolving job marketplace. In fact, in a recent survey, 66% of higher education students reported they think they’re learning the wrong skills!

Preparing for future skills requirements in the fast evolving employment landscape, is critical. But, the traditional model of education is much like a factory line. The factory decides what you get and how you get it. Its a rigid structure and doesn’t have much flexibility built into it. It was designed for a different moment in time and economy.

What’s the solution?

Skill-based employment is the only way to save our youth from the rise of unemployment. Even companies such as Google, Apple, IBM, Hilton, Starbucks ect., recently announced that they no longer require employees to have a university degree. They want employees with specific skills and it formal education is not providing the right skills. So, many students are getting their education in growing sector called, non formal education.

Students are looking for new pathways to skills development and jobs.

The shift in the education is happening. Students are looking for new pathways to skills development and jobs. But the non-formal education ecosystem in Europe is fragmented and there way too many non formal education options, both online and offline. In Europe alone, we’ve counted more than 3000+ communities that provide courses, academies and training’s.

By organizing the non formal education ecosystem TAP plans to bring more trust and confidence in these new pathways to high paying jobs.

Non-formal education is a way to build the professional networks that you need to launch your career. Check us out at

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