Inside the Holy Sepulchre and walking with Franciscans

Day 7 Jerusalem Friday 2nd August 2019

Gordie Jackson
If you are not yourself who will be?
2 min readAug 23, 2019


I am relaxed. I go home tomorrow. Today whatever happens happens. I am not rushing anywhere. I am lounging about in the Foyer. Matthew has lost Raphael who I just saw go out in search of a vineyard.

“So what are doing today G?” “I am doing what I do every day just seeing what happens,” I replied. I did elaborate, “I will walk as I do into the old city and see what happens?” “You are welcome to come just be ready to go left or right.”

He is up for it and so we go. We stop for a coffee on the way. I have to accept having a coffee and a chat must be to me what others consider a hobby.

We walk on randomly turning left and right. We fall unto the Via Dolorosa and I show him a ‘behind the scenes' route into the Holy Sepulchre church through the Egyptian Coptic, the Ethiopian and some say the Assyrian churches.

We get inside. This is believed to be Golgotha where Christ was crucified. There is a long queue I am still not sure what people are queuing to see. I notice a Coptic priest or brother sitting with another where there is no queue I jump in with these guys. I say prayers and Matthew takes a photo.

Inside the shrine with the Coptics

We leave and I return to the rooftop of the Franciscan centre, enjoy more coffee and collect my thoughts.

That afternoon I join with others the Franciscans as they walk the Stations of the Cross.

Walking the Stations of the Cross with the Franciscans

For the second time today I end up inside the Holy Sepulchre church. Outside, as this trip draws to a close, I reflect.

Reflecting on this trip outside the Holy Sepulchre Church




Gordie Jackson
If you are not yourself who will be?

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.