Project Menehune

If you can think it you can print it
2 min readAug 20, 2017

In which a brain was born..

Or not specifically a brain, rather the parts to run the calculations that will approximate a brain. A foray into Machine Learning, Machine Intelligence and an infant AI. Eventually the project will be getting into swarm behavior, vision mapping, and autonomous search and rescue algorithms, but that’s a ways along from this stage.

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning have been around for quite some time now, but in some ways the field is still in its infancy. In some ways it’s also teaching us. All we can aim for is to build upon those who came before us, advance our knowledge and maybe inspire others to join the field.

Currently we have sourced two AMD FirePro S9150’s which will do the calculations needed for our modelling. This will be added to as funds and hardware availability allows. Once the system is stable, we’re planning on working with GTAV to populate our model, and collecting datapoints. Then we plan on learning how to have our models teach themselves how to play a simpler FPS, CS:GO. We’re hoping that this will provide enough Machine Learning that will translate when we get into adding swarm behavior into the mix, also giving us progressively harder issues as we learn. (just for clarity, these are 3 separate projects to teach ourselves the underpinnings for the final goal).

This is the programming side of this project, and there’s also going to be updates on electronics, 3dprinting and other parts of the whole. I don’t want to talk too much about the end goal right now, as our project is still in infancy and it’s an order of magnitude above anything that we’ve attempted to date.

This publication will also host reviews of products, both ones that our gracious sponsors have provided toward the project and those which we have bought ourselves. These will be indicated clearly on the respective review pages.

We’re truly excited to begin this, and very curious to see what the future holds.



If you can think it you can print it

I like brains… | #PositivityThroughGaming Advocacy, News and Reviews