Top 7 Developer Mistakes or Ignored Truths — If you don’t make these mistakes you won’t fail again!!!

Every developer make mistakes from time to time.

If you’re a seasoned developer, you’ve hopefully learned from past errors, and you’re now producing new ones.

Yes, you will still overlook the occasional semicolon.

You’ll probably work for clients who expect you to work quickly and diligently, so you’ll need to put certain safeguards in place to reduce your chances of making terrible mistakes.

The list of our Top 10 Developer Mistakes below serves as both a general reference for developers and a sanity check for best practices.

Keep in mind that no one is unstoppable, regardless of your level of experience.

  1. Each software language makes you jump in size

Never stop studying, so don’t concentrate all of your efforts on one technology.

You may be the Don of your language, which is fantastic, but if you can use a range of technologies and know which ones will offer your employers the greatest answers, you’ll be more marketable and better equipped to assist them.

However, avoid the pitfall of stuffing your resume with tons of new technologies only to look more impressive. Use your new languages only if they will actually help your project and can be maintained.

2. Putting your faith in customers to understand their needs and wants

3. Are you simple enough?

As a developer, you occasionally have a sneaking suspicion that you’re kind of winging it. You can be a beginner or feel overwhelmed by your workload and unable to do what you need.

We all experience that feeling from time to time, but try to remember to keep the fundamentals in mind.

Consider user behavior and the absurd things that your users might do that you wouldn’t have predicted. Consider all the minor details, such as character lengths, date formats, and usernames, that could cause your code to be broken.

Make sure you;

- Always employ effective unit tests (automate it if you can)
- Use a reliable version control program, such as CVS, Subversion, or Git (go back to when it last worked if you must)
- Pick a reliable development process, and use it consistently (work as a co-ordinated team)
- Keep up with your code over time
- Examine your code to see if it was written correctly, logically, and with care.
are close with your team and that they’ll assist you in solving a problem if it arises quickly (and that you will help them)

4. Are you really part of the right team?

There are many excellent developer positions available; make sure you choose the one that is best for you by asking a lot of questions about the position itself as well as the company culture, team, management, workstyle, etc.

Will you be accepted? to further your career? master new abilities? genuinely enjoy working as a team and taking on new challenges?

Consider how others would view you as well. Be careful not to be one of the “elitist” software engineers who believes they are superior to everyone else.

Even if you may be the don of your language, having a team of dons is preferable.

5. Do you really believe the document as unnecessary?

Code documentation should be a monster. We all detest paperwork, but skipping it will cost you in the end. You may believe that you (or most likely others) can try to analyze the source code to determine what is happening or reverse engineer the functionality, but why make it difficult? New team members might only have a hazy idea of the function of the application. In time, you might even forget what it does to you.

6. You still don’t believe in backup in this century?

Have you ever unintentionally destroyed data and then restored it? I frequently made life-threatening errors as an inexperienced junior DBA that would have had a major negative impact on the company I worked for. Fortunately, I had a wonderful working relationship with the Senior DBA, so he was understanding, would always swiftly retrieve the backup, and would correct my mistakes if I first bought him a bag of chips (cheese and onion)

Without a backup, my business might have lost millions, and I might have been forcibly removed from my position.

For the sake of your company’s future and your own peace of mind, it is imperative that you have everything backed up so that you can return to where you were before you made a mistake.

Never offer complete access and control to those who don’t know what they’re doing or may even be acting maliciously; the problems this could cause could be fatal to the company.

7. Not properly testing your code and not producing error logs?

When your program is online or in use, audit it to make sure it functions properly and that it hasn’t impacted any other programs or pieces of code. This is a requirement!

You may be able to automate unit and integration tests to reduce time and effort when determining the side effects of your product.

Although they might not want error reports, your end users will undoubtedly expect the software to be updated. Error recording is essential if you want your software to be constantly stable. You never know where your code might go wrong, so keeping an eye on error logs and fixing such problems as they come up will only increase the dependability of your product.

Thanks for reading!

