We’re not a Conference

Internet Freedom Festival
IFF Community Stories


The Internet Freedom Festival is loved by many people for being the one time in the year where they can gather with other digital rights advocates to celebrate, share, work, and collaborate in a friendly environment focused on solidarity.

However, did you know that IFF is more than just an event? It’s also a platform with numerous initiatives and tools, designed to help the communities we serve fulfill their specific goals and needs. Most people can name a few of our resources, but the full scope of what we offer continues to surprise even the most seasoned community member. Just as the festival grows and evolves, the IFF platform continues to diversify what it offers.

“The Internet Freedom Festival is a platform that connects like minded projects together in coalition. Celebrating the ideals and people behind them, while amplifying the core message at their foundation. With a focus on a diverse, global, future vision of a free world brought together — through technology but powered by mutual love and respect of all people.”

matt mitchell (IFF Advisory Board member / Hacker / Security Researcher / Founder of CryptoHarlem)

The IFF Toolbox

The IFF Toolbox is the result of listening, asking questions and working with the different communities in our space. Through this process, we identify common needs and design tools that both meet these needs and help community members achieve their specific goals. Currently, the IFF Toolbox consists of:

IFF Weekly Newsletter

Community news, job offers, featured talent and more

The IFF Weekly Newsletter is a great resource to easily stay informed about community news, job opportunities, upcoming events, featured talent, and more, all conveniently summarized and sent to your inbox once a week. A great resource, even if you can’t make it to the IFF!

To sign up for the IFF Weekly Newsletter, visit the IFF homepage: https://internetfreedomfestival.org/


Connecting in real-time

A conversation in the “IFF en Español” Channel

To help with real-time conversations between members of our community, who are spread around over 114 countries, we set up a Mattermost instance. As an open-source alternative to Slack, the IFF’s Mattermost features various channels arranged by topic and language. Organizations and projects are also invited to create their own channels. The Mattermost instance is a great place to connect-one-to-one with others, get feedback on a question, engage in an interesting conversation, or make an announcement.

To join the IFF Mattermost, visit: https://community.internetfreedomfestival.org/signup_user_complete/?id=71jwiewte7bb9rqq85s3d8to5w

The Internet Freedom Job Board

All the Internet Freedom job opportunities in one place

The Internet Freedom Job Board on the IFF website

Launched in May, the Internet Freedom Job Board has had a tremendous response from both employers and talent seekers. The jobs are free to post and located throughout the world. Once posted on the job board, the IFF team ensures the position is also advertised throughout our various channels.

To see what positions are available, or to post a job, visit: https://internetfreedomfestival.org/job-board/

Community Stories

A collection of human stories, editorials, and more

The Community Stories publication on Medium

The IFF Community Stories gathers together in one place a diversity of articles written by or about our community members. The collection aims to dive deeper behind the scenes into the unique people and ambitious projects that make up our space, covering that sweet spot that 140 characters or a 140 page policy paper can’t cover.

If you would like get your story featured please contact us! https://medium.com/iff-community-stories

Help us Build the Next Generation of Tools

All of our tools began with a “What if?” and a conversation. What is that tool you’ve always wanted that you think would also benefit others in the community? Maybe it’s a calendar to keep you from missing an event or an archive of recent research papers? Drop us a line or schedule a “virtual coffee” so we can hear your needs and ideas!

The IFF Initiatives

What about when a tool is not enough and a more long-term program is required? For that we have the IFF Initiatives, which are also designed with the help and input of the community, and usually require the support and collaboration of various networks. They include:

Diversity and Inclusion Fund

The inclusion of new and missing voices is the foundation of a strong and open Internet

Launched in 2017, the Internet Freedom Festival Diversity & Inclusion Fund is a shared funding program designed to give voice to underrepresented groups and give them more presence within the larger Internet Freedom space, providing them with the means to attend the Internet Freedom Festival in Spain, in March 2017. This initiative is designed to tackle those issues that make participation in the Internet Freedom space difficult for underrepresented groups, also providing the resources needed to hire diversity professionals and create spaces where affected communities can collectively address these problems.

For 2018, the Diversity & Inclusion Fund will be adding a fifth eligible region to receive travel assistance, Eastern Europe, to the already existing list, consisting of: Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

Find out how to participate in the Diversity & Inclusion Fund: https://internetfreedomfestival.org/diversity-inclusion-fund/

Internet Freedom Future Initiative

Identifying, attracting and retaining new talent

The Internet Freedom Future Initiative addresses one of the biggest issues facing the Internet Freedom space: the inability to identify, attract and retain professionals with the skills needed to tackle current and upcoming surveillance and censorship challenges.

The initiative, which will launch later this year, will focus on identifying and onboarding individuals who want to join the movement towards protecting digital rights worldwide. By partnering up with pioneering organizations, emerging talent from a variety of fields will be paired up with existing projects and use their specific skills to help tackle the next surveillance and censorship challenges on the horizon.

Would you like to find opportunities to bring your skills into the Internet Freedom space? Would you like host new talent at your organization? Stay tuned!

Constant Evolution

We have never stopped asking ourselves the questions: “what should the role of the IFF be in the Internet Freedom space?” and “how can we better serve its communities?”. This is the driving force of the festival. But as we evolve, we always keep in mind the following:

The Internet Freedom Festival is not –and never was– a conference. We designed a tool in response to the urgent demands for knowledge sharing and increased diversity in order to improve the services, strategies, and tools offered to the most vulnerable individuals affected by surveillance and censorship.

— Pepe Borrás, IFF Co-founder and Director.

Therefore, as our initiatives, tools and scope of work expand, we would like you to remember that:

  1. The IFF is a resource, a platform, a collection of tools, not just an event;
  2. The IFF is in constant evolution, based on your feedback;
  3. Our tools and initiatives are available all year round.

If you have an idea for an initiative or a tool that could benefit the communities of the Internet Freedom space, or you feel like there is more we can do to help you or your network, please reach out. We definitely want to hear from you. Understanding your goals and needs will help us shape the future of this endeavor! (team [at] internetfreedomfestival [dot] org)

Peace and love,

The Internet Freedom Festival Team

