Live In Your “WHAT”

The Strategy to Revolutionize Your Life and Money

Dan Roman
I Fired My Boss
4 min readJul 26, 2022


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If you ask the question as to WHY Michael Jordan is the best basketball player ever, it will lead to WHAT made him the best. His tenacity, his grit, his passion for winning and being the best, his ability to make other players around him better, never accepting mediocrity from anyone in the organization, and his time committed at doing the work to be better.

Beyonce. WHAT makes her the best artist of modern times? If you ask why she is the best, it will lead to WHAT she has done and continues to do to be the best. Mention any name of any person that is successful, wealthy or known for anything, and we can clearly find WHAT they did to get where they are.

So when it comes to your life, your money, your legacy and everything in between, you must live in your WHAT.

What is “WHAT”

My WHAT strategy was born from Simon Sinek’s best-selling book and viral TedTalk “Start With Why”. Money is tangible. It is something we feel, wear, eat, experience, drive, and live in. My “WHAT” Strategy takes the concept of “Why” by Simon Sinek and gives birth to its own destination: “Start with why, but you live in your WHAT.”

Most people want to travel but travel within itself is not clear enough.

WHAT kind of travel?

WHAT is your destination?

WHAT will you eat while you are there?

WHAT does your hotel or suite look like?


Our desire for money is emotional and real so we have to visualize it in 3D. “WHAT” exactly do you want?

When you come back from a vacation your family and friends ask, WHAT was it like? Maybe you went to that new steakhouse that opened up and your friends want to know, WHAT the food was like… WHAT did you eat… WHAT was the service like, etc.

The painter, paints you a picture of how they see the world. But the eye doctor allows you to see WHAT is actually in front of you.

“WHAT” Lives In Your Action

I agree that any goal worth pursuing and working for requires a strong WHY. We need to use deep emotion that will then result in passionate action. The WHAT is how goals are achieved and how life should be lived.

WHAT is the action you take towards those goals?

WHAT are the standards you live and abide by that changes everything you want in your life?

I ask my clients WHAT is important to them and these are the most common answers:

  • Be debt free
  • Be financial stable
  • Be financially independent
  • Travel
  • Do WHAT I want when I want
  • Buy a home
  • Pay for my kids’ college
  • Create something my family may be proud of
  • Retire with dignity
  • Not be a burden for my kids
  • And more…

Find Your “WHAT” and Live In It

After getting their answers I guide them through my “WHAT” framework. Think of it like this, when you go see a movie there are a series of things that happen in the movie that make it worth watching. That is WHAT happens in the movie. The WHAT framework puts you in the driver’s seat of your life and your money. It puts you back in control and cuts ties to the things and people that control you.

WHAT does being debt free do for you and your family?

WHAT does it feel like to be financially stable?

WHAT does it look like to be financially independent?

WHAT is your destination?

WHAT will you eat

WHAT will you experience

WHAT will you do there

WHAT would you do if you could not fail

WHAT does your dream home look like?

WHAT does it mean to you to pay for your kids college?

WHAT is something you’ve always wanted to do?

WHY is based on emotion. It might work, but most times it won’t. Because those things alone will not make me stop grabbing an extra slice of pizza after I’ve already had 3.

But my WHAT is where change lives. Where the ground shakes. Where the world changes. WHAT is filled by action. My why is the goal, my WHAT is the steps and the work taken to make that goal show up in real life. So, if you want to change all parts of your life, use my WHAT strategy. Live in your WHAT. Work in your WHAT.

You will not regret it.

Dan Roman is a Husband, Father and Founder/Creator of Roman Solutions, a Personal Finance Firm that currently provides coaching and education.

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Dan spent a few years as a professional accountant and since 2020 as a Financial Coach. His own experience with money has called him to contribute in this money space and the experience of his clients being coached by him. Visit for more!

