New Helper Starting at Minnow Masters Lodge

Naming Contest For New Blockchain Tracked, AI Robotic Helper

Fishing Guide
2 min readSep 5, 2024


Name our robot.

Our new ai powered robotic helper is also a comedian!

Robotic Server at the Lodge is also a Comedian! (Flux AI image buy author)

You might be thinking we are kidding!

What would be better?

Robotic Server with AI — can see and totally manage setting up the Lounge. (Flux AI Image by author)

Weather proof.

This patient helper is no stranger to rain. Perfect for stormy days.


Flux AI Image?

Isn’t the author a pen name?

… and Minnow Masters Lodge?

You are right.

Minnow Masters Lodge is a fictional place inside our fun and family safe Cliffhanger Adventure Stories.

And the robotic helper in our stories — needs a name!

Leave a comment below with your ideas to name our new Robotic Helper — and give us some personality in addition to the comedian skills!

Name our robot! (Flux AI Image by iFishCanada)

For a limited time

Name Our Robotic Helper!

Robotic Fishing Lodge Helper at Minnow Masters Lodge (Flux Ai image by author)

One of your comments will be selected.



Fishing Guide

I fish a lot. Read my fishing adventure stories!