This post was originally written on 2013–11–12 on by Marc Zych. It’s being migrated to a new home on iFixit Engineering.

iFixit’s Android app, like most mobile apps, is driven by content downloaded asynchronously from web APIs. Because we currently have over 3 dozen API calls spread throughout the codebase, an easy-to-use and reliable method of performing API calls is crucial.

Over the past few years we have made many iterations of our API call interface. Each iteration solved problems present in the previous one and potentially introduced new problems. A rough progression: raw HTTP requests in Activities, abstracted HTTP requests with asynchronous callbacks, a service performing requests and returning results through BroadcastReceivers, and finally replacing BroadcastReceivers with Otto.

Otto, and even BroadcastReceivers, mitigated the problem of leaking Activities and updating the UI after the Activity has been destroyed. By registering for events in onResume() and unregistering in onPause(), the Activity only receives API call results if it is in the foreground. This gracefully handles orientation changes because the new Activity will receive results of API calls initiated by the previous Activity. This system works remarkably well in terms of reliability and developer friendliness.

The Problem

However, there are 2 flaws present in this system which were made painfully obvious when developing the guide edit interface. When editing a step in StepEditActivity, users can attach an image taken from the camera. The image is uploaded in StepEditActivity which blocks the user from saving the step until all pending image uploads are complete. Because multiple images can be uploaded to a single step, the user commonly bounces between the camera and StepEditActivity.StepEditActivity doesn't receive image upload results when the user is taking a picture with the camera because Activities are unregistered from Otto in onPause to avoid a crash during UI updates. This caused step save to block indefinitely because StepEditActivity missed its one and only opportunity to receive the event. It is stuck waiting for an API call that has already completed and refuses to allow the user to save changes to the step. Needless to say, this was unacceptable.

The other issue is fairly minor. Many of our Otto @Subscribemethods have the same arguments and thus will receive the same events. For example, TeardownsActivity and FeaturedGuidesActivity both listen for events of type APIResult<Guide> because they both display a list of guides, albeit from different sources. This opens up the possibility of receiving results of API calls initiated by other Activities.

Both of these issues are concisely demonstrated in the following example:

  1. Open TeardownsActivity.
  2. TeardownsActivity initiates an API call to retrieve a list of teardown guides.
  3. Navigate to FeaturedGuidesActivity.
  4. The API call for teardown guides completes.
  5. FeaturedGuidesActivity receives the list of teardowns, believing that it is a list of featured guides. The content is erroneously displayed to the user.
  6. Navigate back to TeardownsActivity by pressing the back button.
  7. TeardownsActivity patiently waits for its API call to finish, oblivious to the fact that it has already come and gone.

The Solution

I realized 2 things when thinking about this problem:

  1. API calls, and subsequently their results, need to be tied to the Activity that initiated it. This includes Activity instances created during orientation changes which the user considers to be the same screen. I’m going to call this an activity session.
  2. Unhandled API results should be saved and retried when its initiating Activity resumes.

Fortunately, implementing both of these is simple, straightforward, and doesn’t involve modifying each and every API call site.

Defining an activity session is trivial because the platform practically does it for you. The technique is to create a unique id for a new Activity session and use saved instance state to pass it to new Activities in the same session. The code can be put in the base Activity class like so:

public abstract class BaseActivity extends
SherlockFragmentActivity {
private int mActivityid;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedState) {
if (savedState != null) {
mActivityid = savedState.getInt(ACTIVITY_ID);
} else {
mActivityid = generateActivityid();
public void onSaveInstaneState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putInt(ACTIVITY_ID, mActivityid);
private static int sActivityidCounter = 0;
private int generateActivityid() {
return sActivityidCounter++;

Now we can use mActivityid to tie API results to an activity session. In addition to the endpoint, URL, auth token, etc., the activityid that initiated the request is stored in the APICallwhich is accessible to API result receivers. Requiring each @Subscribe API result method to compare the activityidsbefore proceeding is too cumbersome with as many API calls that we have. BaseActivity is the best place to perform such validation but receiving the event is tricky. The usual APIResult<?> object can't be posted because the derived Activity will receive it as well. We instead wrap the APIResult<?> in a class that only BaseActivity will listen for so it can proxy to the actual event handler if the activityids match.

public void onApiCall(APIEvent.ActivityProxy activityProxy) {
if (activityProxy.getActivityid() == mActivityid) {
// Send the actual result off to the real handler.
} else {
// Send the event back to APIService so it can retry it for
// the intended Activity.
MainApplication.getBus().post(new DeadEvent(
MainApplication.getBus(), activityProxy.getApiEvent()));

If the activityids match, the actual APIResult<?> is posted to the bus so the Activity can receive it like normal. If it doesn't match, then it is as if the event wasn't handled at all. For Otto, this results in a DeadEvent that wraps the Object that wasn't handled. APIService listens for DeadEvents and hangs on to ones containing an APIResult<?> or APIResult.ActivityProxy. When an Activity registers to the bus, APIService posts all DeadEvents with the same activityid the bus so the Activity can receive the results.

This approach gives us reliable delivery of API results while maintaining loose coupling of Activities with Otto. In particular, when resumed, Activities receive API call results that completed when the Activity was paused. Additionally, Activities only receive results for API calls that they initiated.

The full changeset weighs in at 180 additions and 84 deletions; a decent portion of which was genericizing a proof of concept implementation that was tailored to uploading images on step edit. Our app is, of course, open source so feel free to fork it and hack away!



Chris Opperwall
iFixit Engineering

Software Engineer, but I write about my own stuff. I like Linux, FreeBSD, open source things, and bicycles.