This post was originally written on 2013–07–21 on by Daniel Beardsley. It’s being migrated to a new home on iFixit Engineering.

We’ve come up with a minimalist method of protecting our site from cross site request forgery (CSRF). Here’s how we do it.

What do we do?

We use a small amount of javascript to automatically set a cookie and add a form field immediately before a form is submitted. The server then compares the form field with the cookie and ignores the request if they don’t match. This frees us from the hassle of ensuring every form includes a hidden csrf <input> in every template.

What does a CSRF attack allow?

Cross-site request forgery allows an attacker to make arbitrary requests to a target site on behalf of another user, with their privileges but without their consent.

How is a CSRF attack executed?

An attacker first figures out what is sent during a particular POST request on the target site (maybe something important like deleting a Guide). Next, they create a similar form (via html or javascript) on their own site. When a user who is logged in on the target site visits the attacker’s site, the form is submitted to the target site and performs the action on behalf of the hapless user.

How can it be prevented?

The root of CSRF prevention is making the request submitter prove the request is from the allowed domain. The easiest way to enforce this is to require the request submitter to prove that they can read or write cookies on the allowed domain.

Often, this is done by having the server set a cookie to a random value and include a hidden <input> in each <form> with the same value. Upon submission, the server compares the cookie with the value from the form and ignores the request if they don't match.

Problems with the standard approach

The standard approach requires adding an <input> tag to each <form> in every template. That's a lot of repeated code, even if it's boiled down to a function call or a single partial template; there are often hundreds of forms in a typical web-app. At the very least, that's just more boiler-plate code that slows development progress. At the worst, it's easy to forget to add the CSRF <input> tag to some seldom-used forms and they'll effectively be broken.

Our approach to prevention

We use javascript to dynamically set a cookie and add an <input> element to each form immediately before it's submitted. Because we just have to prove that we can alter or read cookies, we don't need to depend on the server-side for setting the cookie; the client can do it just fine. We hook into forms by replacing the form.submit() function and listening for the onsubmit event. This frees us from worrying about CSRF inputs and tokens in our templates. It reduces the boiler-plate code for creating new pages and forms and reduces the chance of mistakes. One caveat: If forms are created dynamically in javascript, an input element must be added while creating the form. Luckily, this is trivial: form.grab(CSRF.formField()).

Here’s the entire javascript implementation of our CSRF protection (Github gist):

Note: we use Mootools — refactoring for jQuery or no library would be fairly straightforward.

How we deployed this

We designed it, tested it extensively, ran our test suite many times, then soft-deployed it — silently reporting CSRF failures to a database. Once we’d worked out a few issues and were confident that we’d covered all our bases, we flipped the enforcement switch on and it’s been working well ever since.



Chris Opperwall
iFixit Engineering

Software Engineer, but I write about my own stuff. I like Linux, FreeBSD, open source things, and bicycles.