5 Ways To Be Mentally Ready for School!

Bee Martinez
if me
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2017

By: Bee Martinez

Read, re-read, and share some first class advice

Content warning: bullying, stress, depression

Dear friends,

I work in education. Ever since I can remember, I barely sleep the night before the first day of school. I thought it useful to revisit advice we have shared before for different situations instead of coming up with a generic back to school post. Also, I’m swamped.

Without further ado…

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1) Here’s to a Mentally Healthy 2017

Just add 2018 after 2017!


Our very first article talks about how you can use our app to organize your allies, support groups, and self-care strategies. We also share our favourite resources to bookmark whenever things become a little too much to handle on our own.

2) Bullying: More Complicated and Hurtful Than You Think

A rundown of types, risks, and effects of bullying, and what we can do about it.


Bullying is a sad reality at school, and it’s something we should all hold ourselves accountable for whether you’re a teacher, parent, or student. Start here.

3) Tips to Beat FoMO

Yes, there’s probably going to be a lot of exciting opportunities and new things to try this year, but remember that you don’t have to do it all!


So, how do we choose and take care of ourselves at the same time? Read to find out!

4) Stress Awareness

We are going to be stressed — it’s a fact. In fact, I am stressed right now! Tomorrow I go back to my educational aide job, I don’t really know the teachers or students I’m going to work with, and I’m still doing laundry.


In this post, you can review the types of stress and stressors, the signs, and the difference between negative and positive responses. Maybe you will be stressed, but you will also be ready to cope with it as you should! Read more.

5) Beyond the University Viewbook

Going to university or college? First of all, we’re so proud of you!


It’s an exciting time no doubt, but so many major life changes take a toll on your mental health. Read this article to be prepared for the things that no one tells you about until it’s too late. Do take care of yourself, stay safe, and enjoy this new chapter in your life!

Looking for more helpful articles? Check the full list of our published articles here.

You can use our site if-me.org to share with loved ones your mental health experiences and plan out strategies to tackle them. We’re an open source organization run by volunteers.

