Contribute to Our Blog

if me editors
if me
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2018

From the if me editors

Looking to contribute to Check out our About page!

We’re looking to amplify and support as many mental health experiences as we can, especially individuals from underrepresented or marginalized backgrounds. We believe that acknowledging intersectionality, a term coined by American civil rights advocate and scholar Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, is important in advancing mental health awareness and support.

Image of a woman typing by WoCinTech Stock Images

Our Guidelines

  • Original content e.g. personal essay, open letter, poetry, interview, advice, collection of resources which you can re-publish elsewhere, but you must mention that it was originally published here :)
  • Content that speaks on behalf of your own personal experiences (the exception being an interview and a collection of resources) — we’re not looking for someone to speak on behalf of someone else or a group they are not a part of
  • We do not tolerate content that promotes violence or hate speech
  • You don’t need to have a diagnosed mental illness in order to contribute, everyone has a brain — everyone deals with mental health
  • You can submit anonymously
  • We welcome new or first-time writers!

As an open source organization that strives to be welcoming and inclusive, we recognize that writing about mental health experiences takes up a lot of emotional labour. Thanks to the grants and donations we have received (though not many!), we are able to compensate our writers. You also have the option of donating your compensation to a mental health organization of your choice.

  • Long-form pieces (over ≥500 words): $40 USD
  • Short-form pieces (under <500 words): $25 USD

The editing process for blog posts is done through Google Docs with our editors. We also communicate over Slack. We’re always looking for volunteer editors!

Email with the subject line “[BLOG PITCH] Insert Title Here”. Check out our publishing process as well!



if me editors
if me
Editor for

Open source mental health communication app to share your stories with loved ones. Available in several languages including Spanish! New contributors welcome 💜