IfNotNow Philly Statement on Anti-Semitic Incidents in Philly

IfNotNow Philly
The INNside
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2017

We are deeply saddened and angered by the recent anti-semitic attacks on the Jewish community in Philadelphia. Over the weekend, over 500 graves in the Mount Carmel Jewish cemetery were vandalized. In Jewish cultures, the memory of our ancestors and the sites of their burial have deep significance. The desecration of Jewish graves is an attack on our cultures and our history. Today, numerous Jewish community centers in the Philadelphia area received bomb threats. We condemn these acts of anti-semitism and thank the Philadelphia community for its outpouring of support.

These attacks are part of a wave of intolerance sweeping across America. The violent and hateful rhetoric and policy being implemented by our lawmakers perpetuates this hatred.

In this political climate, it should not surprise us that individuals and organizations have been empowered to commit these cowardly and hateful acts.

We know that the perpetrators’ secrecy in threatening the Jewish community reflects the fact that their hate does not survive in the bright light of day and public scrutiny. Many people have been horrified by these acts of desecration. AIl people, including our elected officials, have a duty to swiftly and firmly condemn acts of intolerance, and advocate for policies that support freedom and dignity for all people. We are disheartened by our political representatives and institutions that have chosen silence in the face of growing acts of hatred across America.

In IfNotNow, our principles call on us to show up for ourselves and others. We stand with all people who have been targeted on the basis of their race, class, religion, ability, gender, and sexual identity. This violence is not only rhetorical or symbolic in nature. In this past week alone, a mosque in Florida was set aflame and man acting on racist, xenophobic, and islamophobic beliefs murdered one man and injured two others. These are only two examples of the impact of hatred in America. We must be outraged by every attack.

We seek to build a liberated Jewish community that stands against injustice and hatred. Our friends, families, and neighbors are targeted on a daily basis and we cannot remain silent. Silence only empowers the perpetrators of these cruel acts. We applaud our Jewish communities and institutions, as well as our allies, for rapidly condemning anti-semitic attacks and working to repair the damages. We call on all of our Jewish institutions, particularly the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, to be a voice for justice in the broader community as well.

We must begin to see an attack on any group as an attack on all groups. These anti-semitic incidents are fundamentally connected to attacks on Muslims, immigrants, people of color and other marginalized groups.

As Jews, we often discuss the value of tikkun olam — repairing the world. IfNotNow believes that we can only truly repair the world if we stand up for ourselves and others. In this moment of pain and fear, we have experienced solidarity from the surrounding community. We are committed to standing together in solidarity with others. In honoring the value of tikkun olam, we seek to build a world that promotes freedom and dignity for all people.

