Progressives don’t let progressives go to AIPAC

The INNside
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2020

The road to the white house cannot run through AIPAC’s doors. That’s why we are working over the next three weeks to make sure every Democratic Candidate commits to #SkipAIPAC.

At home and abroad, we are in a moment of crisis that demands progressive vision. The Trump plan just gave the Netanyahu government a green light for annexation and apartheid-like policies. Violent white nationalism and antisemitism in the U.S. are rising. And through all this, AIPAC has chosen to give Trump, Netanyahu, and white nationalists political cover.

It’s time for the progressive movement to demand that all 2020 Democratic candidates reject AIPAC’s form of politics and #SkipAIPAC. Sign our petition to the candidates now.

AIPAC now anchors an unholy alliance that works to distract from right-wing antisemitism and entrench the Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian people.

And if AIPAC’s created a coalition, then we are going to need to form one too — that’s why we’re teaming up with MoveOn, Working Families Party, and Indivisible for our #SkipAIPAC campaign. Together the progressive movement will work to make sure all Presidential candidates reject AIPAC’s fear-mongering, break up the unholy alliance, end the blank check our government sends to Israel every year, and ensure that our tax dollars fund freedom, not occupation.

AIPAC has given platforms to antisemites like Pastor John Hagee, who said that God sent Hilter, and Rep. Matt Gaetz, who brought a Holocaust denier to the 2018 state of the union. AIPAC has given platforms to Islamophobes like Steven Emerson who has spent decades spreading anti-Muslim misinformation and Frank Gaffney who is credited as one of the inspirations behind the Muslim ban. And, as violent hate crimes have skyrocketed in recent years, AIPAC has refused to condemn white nationalists from Donald Trump to Steve Bannon.

And we’re already winning: Last week, in response to a question from one of our members, Elizabeth Warren committed to unconditionally #SkipAIPAC.

We need to keep the pressure up on the rest of the candidates by demonstrating a grassroots movement to demand our political and communal leaders join us and Warren in breaking with AIPAC’s status quo.

Sign our petition to let the democratic candidates know that the time to #SkipAIPAC is now.



The INNside

A Jewish movement to end the American Jewish community’s support for the occupation and gain freedom and dignity for all Israelis and Palestinians.