STATEMENT: IfNotNow Condemns Confirmation of David Friedman, Calls on Democratic Senators to Skip AIPAC

The INNside
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2017

On the eve of the annual gathering of AIPAC, an organization that has worked to deepen the occupation for 50 years, the Senate has confirmed the most pro-occupation Ambassador to Israel in history.

IfNotNow forcefully opposes the confirmation of David Friedman as Ambassador to Israel. Our movement pledges to resist his partnership with Prime Minister Netanyahu and any efforts he will inevitably make to turn the occupation into a permanent reality.

IfNotNow member, Tom Corcoran speaking out at David Friedman’s hearing in February.

This dramatically heightens the crisis for Palestinians living under occupation and the growing rift in the American Jewish community.

For 50 years, AIPAC and its allies in the Jewish establishment have supported the occupation with the open acceptance of every presidential administration. But there has never been as bright a green light from the United States government as there will be now, with David Friedman as Ambassador to Israel and Donald Trump as President.

Friedman has spent decades supporting the occupation through fundraisers for settlements and opinion pieces slamming any criticism of Israeli policy. Now, he will be able to support the occupation from the ambassador’s residence, representing the most pro-occupation presidential administration in history.

No one is happier about this than the leadership of AIPAC. For decades, they have done everything within their power to use American political influence to bolster the occupation. And with David Friedman on the ground, their job just got a lot easier. The pro-occupation wing of the American Jewish community has never before received legitimacy and power like this; it is doubtful they will squander any opportunity this provides.

And yet, 46 Democratic Senators voted against Friedman’s confirmation, including Senate Minority Leader and pro-Israel stalwart, Chuck Schumer (NY). This is a significant act of resistance but we must not celebrate it in a vacuum: Senator Schumer and many other Democratic Senators will attend the AIPAC policy conference this weekend. The very pro-occupation views they just voted against will be on full display at AIPAC.

We call on all Democratic senators and progressive leaders to follow through on their vote to reject endless occupation by skipping the AIPAC policy conference: now is the time to show that you will resist Trump and his administration’s policies when it really matters.

On Sunday, days after the confirmation vote, thousands of us will #ResistAIPAC and make it clear that the #JewishResistance stands against 50 years of occupation and against any alliance with the Trump Administration.

We invite you and join with American Jews of conscience to in the streets on March 26th as we bring the #JewishResistance to AIPAC’s doorstep.

Learn more about the #JewishResistance to AIPAC:



The INNside

A Jewish movement to end the American Jewish community’s support for the occupation and gain freedom and dignity for all Israelis and Palestinians.