We are Jews Fighting For Our Future — a new campaign

The INNside
Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2020

As November’s election approaches, amidst a global pandemic and mass uprisings across the country, we cannot sit back while the far-right politicians in the GOP use fear and bigotry to divide us.

Every day, we need to be engaging our community in the stakes of the election and the need to build a progressive movement that can take action to pressure the next administration. That’s why we’re launching our campaign today: We are Jews Fighting for Our Future. We are the Jewish youth campaign to defeat the Right in November and win freedom and dignity for all.

Will you take the pledge today, and commit to joining us before — and after — the election to fight for our future?

Our Future is where all of us have what we all need to thrive. We know that true safety is not having another place to flee to — it’s being safe where we are, side by side with our neighbors, all of us having what we need to thrive.

In the coming months, we will educate the progressive movement and ourselves about antisemitism and this political moment, so that we can meaningfully engage with our community in the general election. And, when the GOP inevitably uses antisemitism, racism, or other forms of hate to fuel division, we will join with progressives from all backgrounds to confront them, making it clear that defeating the far-right together is the only strategy to keep all of our communities safe.

And at each step, we will grow our movement in the collective effort to defeat Trump, but we know that change doesn’t stop there.

With Trump out of office, and our movement stronger than ever, we will use our power to pressure the new Democratic Administration to address the status quo of racism and injustice in America and Israel/Palestine.That is how we win the progressive change that will ensure all communities can thrive.

This fight is not new. We’ve been fighting against antisemitism and racism since before Trump won, but we escalated it when he entered the White House. In 2017, the #JewishResistance galvanized our communities to take a clear stand against the Muslim ban, against white nationalists like Steve Bannon, and for racial and immigrant justice. Over the past four years, we have fought against the far-right extremists who have gained and maintained political power in the White House, in Congress, and in law enforcement agencies across the nation.

It’s long past time to remove all of them from power.

Our collective house is on fire, and to put it out, we must do everything we can to get rid of Trump. But then we must pass progressive policies to strengthen the foundations of the house.

Our task right now is to build a mass movement — alongside other progressives — to get rid of Trump, so we can have the power to to push a Democratic administration on Day 1 to fight for our shared future.

Each pledge gets us one step closer to the mass movement we need. Sign and show that you’re a Jew Fighting for Our Future through November and beyond.

Once you take the pledge, we will work with you to engage your community in real conversations and bring more people into the fight for our future.

We will work side-by-side with all people harmed by racist violence to protect each other and win a better world, where we all have what we need to thrive.



The INNside

A Jewish movement to end the American Jewish community’s support for the occupation and gain freedom and dignity for all Israelis and Palestinians.