A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 26

Maryam Khy
IFP News ( Iran Front Page )
3 min readDec 26, 2019

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Thursday, December 26, 2019, and picked headlines from 9 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.


1- Turkey Parliament to Consider Deployment of Troops in Libya

2- Israeli Army Chief: Conflict with Iran Not Unlikely

3- Iran Not to Stop Its Foreign Relations Because of US: MP

4- Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait Will Soon Hold Negotiations

5- Iraqi MPs Approve Election Law

Aftab-e Yazd:

1- Why Expediency Council Cancelled Its Meeting?

* Air Pollution or Possible CFT Voting?

Arman-e Melli:

1- Rouhani: We Foiled Plot that Introduced Iran as Not Ready for Talks

2- DM Says Crash of Fighter Jet at Sabalan Mountain Must Be Investigated

3- Government Worried about FATF


1- End of the Game for FATF Accession

* A Report on Proponents’ Efforts to Ratify FATF Bills Ahead of Last Deadline

2- Rouhani: We Shouldn’t Let Popular Dissatisfaction Keep People from Voting

3- Trump Waiting for Kim’s Christmas Gift


1- China, Russia Urge Iran to Adopt FATF Standards

2- Central Bank Chief: It’s Better for Our Banking System that Iran Not Blacklisted by FATF

3- Rouhani: We’ll Pursue Japan’s JCPOA Offers

Jomhouri Eslami:

1- Iran, Saudi, Kuwait on Verge of Reaching Marine Security Agreement

2- Parliament, Government, Private Sector All Agree on Need for FATF Accession

3- Chinese FM: Beijing Has Kept JCPOA Effective


1- No Ties between Iran and US: Leader’s Aide

2- Iraq Envoy: We Don’t Recognize US Sanctions against Iran

Mardom Salari:

1- Iran, Russia, China to Hold Joint Drills

* East’s Military Message to West

2- Spokesman: Government Insists on Ratifying FATF

3- Central Bank Governor: It’s in Our Country’s Interest to Accept FATF

4- Palermo Convention Didn’t Have Enough Votes at Expediency Council, Hence We Postponed Voting: Official

Vatan-e Emrooz:

1- INSTEX Is Just Lip Service: Iran Chief Banker


