A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on January 7

Maryam Khy
IFP News ( Iran Front Page )
3 min readJan 8, 2020

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Tuesday, January 7, 2020, and picked headlines from a number of the dailies. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

Iran Newspapers


  1. Nancy Pelosi: We Will Vote on Resolution Limiting President’s Military Action against Iran
  2. Iran Abandons All Operational Limits under JCPOA
  3. Zarif: Fifth Step Taken in Accordance with JCPOA
  4. Abdul-Mahdi: We’re Working to Carry Out Resolution on Expulsion of Foreign Military Forces
  5. Grand Ayatollah Sistani Sends Letter of Condolence to Leader of Islamic Revolution

Arman-e Melli:

  1. UNESCO Reacts to Trump’s Threat against Iran’s Cultural Sites / UNESCO’s Secretary General Responds
  2. EU3 Asks Iran to Return to JCPOA / Arman-e Melli Reports on Reactions to Iran’s 5th Step to Reduce Commitments
  3. US Exit from Iraq to Become Operational / Arman-e Melli’s Story on Iraqi Anger at Violation of National Sovereignty


  1. Nonstop Nuclear Program / Ebtekar Examines Iran’s 5th Step to Reduce JCPOA Commitments
  2. Urgency Motion on Retaliatory Action against US Tabled at Iranian Parliament, Presiding Board Member Says


  1. Beginning of An End to US’ Dialogue Hegemony in Region / Special File on Tehran Dialogue Forum 2020
  2. ISIS-Style War Crime / Trump Threatens Again to Attack Iran’s Cultural Centers
  3. Iran Pioneer of Initiatives / Islamic Republic of Iran Hosts Tehran Security Forum on Peace and Stability in Persian Gulf Region This Week

Jomhouri Eslami:

  1. Iraqi Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Unveils Mechanism for Expulsion of US Forces
  2. US House of Representatives Moves to Reduce Trump’s War Powers
  3. People of Tehran Bid Historic Farewell to General Qassem Soleimani


  1. Health Minister: General Soleimani Played Major Role in Defeating Pharmaceutical Sanctions
  2. Atwan: Humiliating Revenge against US Begins

Mardom Salari:

  1. Iran’s Final Response to European Inaction / Mardom Salari Online Reports on Lifting of All JCPOA Operational Limits after Fifth Step

Setareh Sobh:

  1. EU3 Reacts to Beginning of Iran’s Fifth Nuclear Step


