Book on Iranian ISIS Sympathizer to Come Out in Coming Days

Maryam Khy
IFP News ( Iran Front Page )
1 min readDec 16, 2019

A book about an Iranian mother who was the administrator of a social media channel supporting the ISIS terrorists would be unveiled by an Iranian publisher in the coming days.

“Snakes and Ladders” is the title of the latest book by Iranian publisher, Shahid Kazemi.

The book narrates the story of an Iranian woman who used to be the administrator of a channel advocating the ISIS terrorist group.

The untold story of the woman, a mother of three children in her twenties, could be interesting for readers, some of whom might not imagine that a diminutive lady living in an eastern, western or southeastern province of Iran was running a social media channel in support of ISIS.

“Snakes and Ladders” tells how “Ms. Admin” joined ISIS, found pleasure in watching the gruesome images of people being killed by the ISIS fighters, and supported the enforcement of the law introduced by the self-proclaimed caliphate.

The book also contains shocking confessions from the woman after arrest.

