Tomato Jam: An Exotic, Tasty Dessert for Days of Quarantine

Maryam Khy
IFP News ( Iran Front Page )
1 min readApr 7, 2020

Here is how you can make this jam at home in only 30 minutes.

To make tomato jam, you will need to spend only less than half an hour. Some good ripe tomatoes at home are enough to begin making a delicious jam that would make your day when breakfast is served tomorrow morning.

So do not mess around and get started if you want to have fun at the time of self-quarantine amid the outbreak of coronavirus.


1 kilo tomatoes

1 kilo sugar

1/2 cup freshly squeezed lime juice

some ginger

1 piece cinnamon stick

some ground red pepper

You may use ground cardamom instead of ginger and cinnamon.

Click here to read the recipe!

