Did Wallstreetbets Really Do Anything Wrong?

The Gamestop saga — how retail bulls overwhelmed Wall Street short-sellers

Edward Iftody


From a retail investor’s point of view, the pros have always had a massive advantage over the retail investor — more information, faster trading, direct access to CEOs, and the financial weight and influence to move markets. Last week something changed — retail investors following Wallstreetbets beat Wall Street professionals at their own game.

Some people claim Wallstreetbets is nothing more than run-of-the-mill collusion. Some go as far as to say the collusion amounts to market manipulation. Others insist this online forum is simply the democratization of investing. Is Wallstreetbets playing fair and will they be allowed to continue targeting hedge funds or will they continue to be thwarted by trading platforms or even pursued by regulators?

History time

Murray Pezim died on November 11th,1998. According to CBC —

Colourful Vancouver stock promoter Murray Pezim died of a…



Edward Iftody

Edward Iftody is a Communication Coach, author of Surviving Work, a veteran of the Canadian fin-tech industry and a blockchain enthusiast.