Changes are coming to IGDB

Jerome Richer
2 min readAug 19, 2019


We are starting a large scale migration of our backend, database and hosting. IGDB is about to undergo some changes, some temporary and others more permanent. We’re moving forward with the new version of the website and taking IGDB into an exciting new era!

To ensure that this goes smoothly and that no user data is lost in the process we will have to disable some features temporarily. At the same time we thought it was the appropriate time to plan for future changes due to the recent European legislation around content on the Internet.

Here’s a recap of what will be changing.

Removing temporarily

The following features will be affected by our migration:

  • Signups to the site
  • Adding new profile avatars and backgrounds
  • Users will not be able to add or change their profile description.

Disabling permanently

We have decided to take pre-emptive action regarding concerns with the new legislations which the European Union approved earlier this year (namely Article 15 & 17). Aggregating news articles and distributing them on and through the API is uncertain at this point, we will therefore remove our Feed & Pulse features until the overall situation clarifies.

The following features will be affected:

  • Pulse News (Website and API)
  • Feed
  • Users will no longer be able to add recommendations for games.


All of the IGDB apps currently display aggregated news and will be affected by those legislations. In addition to this, we have wanted to go back to the drawing board for a long time and make the apps as good as they possibly can be. And we feel this is the perfect opportunity to do so. The IGDB app will be making a comeback at a later stage as brand new releases for both Android and iOS.


  • All custom lists will be made private for the time being. Activity lists (Want/Playing/Played) however will remain public.
  • The upvote/downvote functionality on contributions will be disabled, only Admins and Keepers will be able to approve changes going live on the site.

We’ve always been very thankful for the support and feedback from our community, making those changes will allow us to focus on developing IGDB forward. Stay tuned for a lot of exciting IGDB news coming up!

If you want to keep track of how IGDB is evolving and share your thoughts and suggestions, Discord is a good place to grab us for a chat! If not feel free to shoot us an email!

