Introducing IGDB PopScore: Your Ultimate Tool for Tracking Gaming Trends

Jerome Richer
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2024

The gaming industry is a rapidly evolving landscape, and staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. Whether you’re a game developer/publisher, deal with market intelligence or do trend analysis, knowing what’s popular and what’s not can give you a significant edge. That’s where IGDB PopScore comes in — your key to unlocking the latest trends in the video game market.

What’s trending across all platforms today?

The initial challenge in planning this project was defining popularity. Recognizing that it varies for different users, we chose a modular approach. A popularity primitive is the smallest trend element you can combine, weight, and use to create unique popularity scores, giving you full control to meet your specific needs.

IGDB PopScore is an exciting new feature accessible through our API, offering “popularity primitives” that provide valuable insights into the gaming world. With this initial release we launch with our own IGDB primitives, with more coming in the future (e.g. Twitch, Steam etc.):

  • IGDB page visits
  • Lists additions to users: “Want to Play,” “Playing,” and “Played” lists

One of the standout features of IGDB PopScore is its real-time nature. Our data is updated every 24 hours, ensuring you always have access to the freshest and most relevant insights across all platforms. This level of timeliness is invaluable in an industry where trends can shift rapidly, and being the first to spot them can make all the difference.

But IGDB PopScore isn’t just about tracking trends — it’s also a powerful tool for enhancing your data-driven decisions. Whether you’re optimizing your competitive analysis, refining your IP acquisition strategy, or simply looking to improve your user experience by ensuring your content is relevant and up-to-date, IGDB PopScore provides the data you need to make informed choices.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, as we are planning other primitives for future launches. What is popular can vary greatly depending on both when, but also where. What is popular on IGDB may differ from popular games being streamed on Twitch for example. We plan to introduce new primitives for various sources in the coming months. This will include primitives from some of our API partners.

Learn how to access PopScore:
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