New game countdown pages!

… and what to expect in the future

Jerome Richer
2 min readMay 30, 2023


It’s been a while since we released a brand new page on IGDB, but today is the day! We have relaunched our countdown pages, take a look:

  • Brand new layout and data showcase
  • Fully responsive design
  • Introducing lists on countdowns
  • New game shelf

..But why countdown, you ask?

This is more than just about countdown pages in fact, this is a full rewrite of our engineering tech stack for the frontend. And by this we mean it is a showcase of things to come on, the tip of the iceberg! We are bringing much needed modern twist to the website. The main drive behind these updates of IGDB are: 1) a renewed mobile experience. 2) better showcase of our data.
You can see this already, these new countdown pages are now fully responsive and have matching features and data as on desktop.

But it is not just for looks don’t worry. We are still first and foremost a video games database. A new updated website will allow us to better showcase and organise the data, while increasing utility and discoverability.

What is next then?

Slowly but surely we’re planning on swapping other older pages and features, with our game pages top of that list of course. We intend to offer more functionality and utility, especially on mobile.

You can expect some of the new components of the countdown pages to start featuring on other parts of IGDB. Our new game shelf component is a prime example of this.

shiny new game shelf!

In conclusion:

We’ve started to make use of some new technology on IGDB, of which the first signs are our countdown pages. You can expect better mobile experience, discoverability and utility. Stay tuned for a lot more ;)

Meanwhile, let’s get hyped for all those upcoming games!

a new countdown component

