Join us for Ignite’s Pre-Accelerator in Edinburgh

Martyn Davies
Ignite Accelerator
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2017

In April 2017 we announced the changes we’re making to the Ignite programme to make it the best support network for startups. One thing that wasn’t mentioned, however, was the changes that we’re going to be making to the way that we support, and continue to work with founders at the idea stage.

TL;DR — Applications for our 1 day intensive pre-accelerator programme taking place in Edinburgh on 25th of September 2017 are now open. It’s free, but places are limited so get your application in now.

What is it?

The pre-accelerator is one day intensive event that helps founders and entrepreneurs to develop their business idea, understand the steps they need to take to launch an MVP, get their first customers and figure out what to do next.

Previously, we covered these topics over 8 hours, spread across 4 weeks. Now we’re covering the same topics over the course of one, information packed day.

We’ll be running a pre-accelerator day every month and they will take place in a different UK city each month so if you don’t fancy travelling to join us for the day, hang tight, we may be coming to your closest city soon.

The sessions will be lead by myself and the Ignite team, with guest appearances from successful founders from our alumni network as well as the odd investor dropping by to share their experience and knowledge.

Over the course of the day we’ll cover lots of things that broadly fall under these five categories:

  • Customer Conversations & Idea Validation
  • Building An MVP
  • Spreading The Word
  • Launching to the world
  • Money and financing

You’ll learn everything you need to know about each of the options directly from founders and investors and we’ll help you to create the plan of what you’re going to go away and work on for the next 3–6 months.

By attending, you’ll also join a growing community of early and idea stage founders just like you that you can talk to, support and maybe collaborate with plus, we’ll continue to provide advice and reference material via our dedicated Slack channel after you finish your day with us.

Perhaps? Maybe this is for you.

Who’s it for?

We’re looking for ten ambitious founders (or groups of founders) who have an idea that they’re passionate about, and that need help in taking it to the next level.

You don’t have to have an MBA, or be a coding whizz to join us — just a passion to solve a problem and the determination to make it happen. We’ll help you with the rest.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve already launched an MVP, we’re here to help you accelerate your progress and you’ll come out with a better understanding of your customers and how to build something they love.

Tell us why you think this problem is important to solve, and why you are the people to do it and we’ll pick the ones that get us most excited.

See these coins? We don’t need any of them from you.

How much does it cost?

Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

We cover the costs out of our own pocket because we love doing it. The only cost you might incur is if you decide to travel to join us for the day.

Kermit’s application was hype but he’s offered up his space for you. Bless.

How do I get involved?

Fill in the application form and we’ll then be in touch to let you know if you’ve got a place on the programme. The next one that takes place is in Edinburgh on the 25th of September from 10am- 5pm.

Apply Now!

