The Freedom to Build

Ian Browne
Ignite Northern Ireland
3 min readSep 22, 2020


We are living in a time of huge economic uncertainty. 2020 is a year which will be talked about for generations and the stories of what was created during this period are yet to be told. Economies are cyclical and through the downturns of the past some of the most recognisable and profitable businesses have been built. Airbnb, Fedex, Electronic Arts — all started during recessions.

My favourite example is of two brothers who, in the midst of the greatest financial crisis the world had ever faced, aspired to create light hearted and engaging content to lift the spirits of those who watched. After making several short pieces of content they moved into longer form production and despite the economic headwinds Roy and Walt Disney went on to create one of the most iconic and well loved brands that continues to delight almost 100 years later. Starting small, finding traction and then shooting for the moon.

Starting something when times are uncertain takes bravery, commitment and a belief that taking control of your own destiny is a better path to a brighter future. We live in such times now. Nobody knows what the next 3 months looks like. Nobody knows what the next 3 years looks like. However those who look towards 2021 as a time of opportunity are the ones who will emerge with momentum and the ability to capitalise.

The past 6 months have given us all time to reflect. What is important? What should our priorities be? Do we get satisfaction from our professional life or is that idea of something different gnawing away at you? What if I could take a chance and try and start the business I always wanted to? Should I become an entrepreneur? It is not always about money. It is always about risk. Where do I even start?

You start here.

I am fortunate to work with hundreds of startup founders and all of them are thinking about opportunity. They might see an underserved market, an overlooked insight, have developed something which will create an entirely new market or maybe they’re just fed up working in a job which never moves the needle and want more.

We want to help.

Propel is a programme designed for people who want to take a risk on their idea. We will offer you world class mentoring (I don’t say that lightly) and also help soften the landing by giving you £15k to sustain you through the period between a lack of income and a revenue generating business. Added to that we have another 19 people just like you who are starting up on their own. While startup founders say that money is the greatest barrier to entry, without a doubt the biggest benefit of a programme like Propel is a cohort of 20 likeminded people trying to create something out of nothing. Learning from each other. Supporting each other. Especially in a time when individual entrepreneurs are increasingly isolated due to unpredictable lockdowns and home working.

In 20 years time we will be looking back at great companies which were created during the Coronavirus year of 2020. They will all have been created by founders who saw this time as an opportunity, not a recession. It is time to take control. It is time to build.

Find out further information about Ignite or book a slot in my office hours. I’d love to hear about your idea.

