There’s no better time than now.

Launch your startup in 2021. Applications for Propel now open.

Victoria Coulter
Ignite Northern Ireland
3 min readSep 25, 2020


What is Propel?

Propel is a 6 month accelerator programme for early-stage startups that are in development, or have only just launched. Every year we support 20 startups which are registered in Northern Ireland, giving them access to £15K equity free funding, weekly workshops, a global network of mentors and investors and 12 months of office space at the Ormeau Baths.

Who is it for?

Propel is for ambitious and motivated people with no limits on age, career stage or experience. We’re looking for individuals or teams who have an idea that they want to take to the next level.

You don’t have to be technical, in fact 50% of founders last year weren’t technical — but you do need to be 100% committed to making your startup succeed.

What does the programme entail?

As a team, we understand what it takes to be successful. Over the past 4 years, we’ve supported over 150+ incredible founders and our programmes are built to give startups the best possible chance of success.

This years Propel programme will be running from 11th January 2021 until 25th June 2021 and gives applicants the opportunity to:

Learn from experience…

  • Participate in key workshops and sessions on how to build a business
  • Hear startup stories from across the globe during our founder firesides
  • Access our extensive content library of talks, sessions, frameworks and perspectives

Learn from others…

  • Receive mentoring from the IgniteNI team and wider network of entrepreneurs
  • Join a thriving startup community and be introduced to investors, mentors and founders
  • Take inspiration and support from an amazing group of entrepreneurs and alumni.

Why should I apply?

The pandemic has created a new wave of opportunities, and over the last year we’ve witnessed Propel teams going from idea-stage to securing a global customer base, raising investment and generating monthly revenue. In this current climate, we recognise that:

Speed is crucial: The landscape is shifting, and the sooner you prove the need for your product and establish your customer base the better. Propel is built to get to the source of those answers as quickly as possible. Within days of the programme, we’ll ensure that companies have a clear idea of their value proposition, market positioning and revenue model.

Support is necessary: Starting your own company is tough, which is why the Propel cohort is so powerful. From day one, we’ll immerse you in the Ignite community, from the 20 teams on Propel, to the 150 programme alumni and 500+ members in the wider Ignite network. You’ll be able to stress test with friends, learn from their experiences and feel connected to founders from across the globe.

Timing is everything: The opportunity for change is now. Despite the current circumstances, the teams at IgniteNI have had a record breaking year. We believe there’s no better time to launch your startup, and 2020 has proved that a strong idea and a resilient founder, can succeed in any climate.

What next?

The application form is submitted online through the InvestNI website and will be live until 6th November 2020.

After registering, you’ll be asked to complete a short application form consisting of 4 questions which are designed to capture a snapshot of your business.

If you’re ready to apply you can go directly to the application portal, or if you need some time to consider the questions you can view them here.

We encourage everyone to chat to us about their idea before applying or to get in touch with if they have any further questions.

We look forward to hearing from you and good luck!

