Being part of Angular Connect 2019

Zdravko Kolev
Ignite UI
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2019
Angular Connect 2019, London

Angular Connect London was a great conference — it brought together a big group of software developers and industry leaders all sharing a common interest — the present state and the future of Angular web development.

As a premium sponsor at the event, Infragistics had the opportunity to connect with not only the delegates of the event but with the wider Angular community. Also having one-on-one chats about what they are working on and how we at Infragistics can help them overcome complex problems with Ignite UI for Angular. We provide solutions that are handling different complex Web scenarios like Grid virtualization, Remote operations, CRUD operations, and Data Visualization Charts.

But that wasn’t the only positive side of our participation in Angular Connect — we’ve received appreciation for our contribution to the Angular community. People were showing genuine interest in our GitHub Repository, how we manage our Roadmap and what we plan to do next. We also had the chance to have a chat with different web enthusiasts like Nrwl, Progress, AG-Grid and some of the speakers. All of them had a lot to share and ask, which reminded me about the constantly growing Angular community and that we are on the right track of doing things and helping the Web to prosper.

Questions that we’ve received at our stand

We’ve received a lot of questions related to Grid Performance, State Persistence, ARIA compatibility, and WPF/WinForms to Angular migration, and I am glad to say that we had a valuable discussion about all of them.

Social media activity

YouTube videos will be available later next week in the Angular Connect channel.

It was nice seeing how all conference attendees and delegates were sharing different interesting tweets about the experiences that they had #angularconnect

Wrap up

Most of the talks at the conference highlighted the latest Angular trends and allowed us to have different constructive discussions about complex problems and better understand what solutions the people may need — such as working with Grid virtualization, clipboard operations, complex data binding, and different position strategies when it comes to dialogs and dropdowns.

And with that said I want to thank White October Events for being so accommodating with us throughout the execution process and for the well-run conference! See you next year!



Zdravko Kolev
Ignite UI

Product Development Manager at Infragistics, passionate about technology, innovation, personal growth, leadership, and team development.