Using Angular Data Grid Part I: The Whys & Whats Behind It

Zdravko Kolev
Ignite UI
Published in
6 min readAug 24, 2021
Data planing and prioritization with grid tables and boards
Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

The Angular Data Grid is set to rule over the enterprise web development world that craves solutions to effective data management, data warehousing, data reporting, and data visualization. Of course, other frameworks can be used for building neat, data-driven applications, but they cannot come even one grid closer to what Angular has under its components.

Note that this is a two-part post. In this first part, you will learn about what Angular grid is, why businesses use Angular grids, (the very obvious reasons behind this and the not-so-obvious reasons behind this.) In the upcoming second part of the Using Angular Grid topic, there will be sections explaining how to add an Angular grid component to your project, what Ignite UI for Angular Data Grid is, and more. But you may occasionally also stumble upon subtopics like the Angular universe, Big-Bang apps, observable tech phenomena and so on.

What is Angular Data Grid: Lightweight, Fast & Definitely Something You Have Already Heard Of

Let’s start with the fundamentals of what Angular Grid is. In essence, it is a comprehensive component used to manage and visualize tabular data in versatile web apps. It would be simply self-destructive if they tried to escape from the conventional and all the necessary requirements that exist within the enterprise software world, Angular Data Grids that are part of modern-day UI tools comprise a rich set of features. Some of them include Sorting, Excel-like filtering, clipboard interactions, row and column reordering, pagination, templating, export to Excel and CSV, etc.

What is more, the framework’s grid component allows for easier data binding, while simultaneously reducing the need for extra hand-coding software engineers would typically have to do. This is something that sways their decision-making in one direction or another when having to choose the technology to work with. While users really focus on the grid’s performance and how fast, for instance, it filters and displays critical data, developers care about whether it is simple to configure or how easy it is to enable certain functionality.

If I were to summarize all of this, it would go something like this: Angular Data Grid is the most powerful way to visualize and manipulate all types of data in applications, while guaranteeing fast performance and expedited time-to-market.

A more detailed overview as to why businesses use Angular Data Grids

Ready-made modern grids are complex. Some of them in terms of integration, use, and learning curve, others in terms of the number of features they may or may not accommodate. On the other hand, developing in-house solutions requires a lot of time, money, and efforts. Still though, what seems to be a growing tendency for companies and developers is their likelihood to rely on data grids available on the market.

Angular Data Grid grouping and data visualization

Before jumping to a final decision, here are the 3 most vital factors that should be considered:

1. Does the grid meet the requirements for features and performance?

2. Does it provide ease of integration and configuration?

3. Is there well-prepared documentation, explaining all features and providing Angular Grid examples?

Here comes another challenge: since there is an abundance of grids for free use or with paid subscription plans, one question arises and prevails — which one should businesses choose?

The answer to the question above appears to be in the making back in 2009 at Google. Ever since Angular development started, Miško Hevery (the creator of Angular) was on his way to creating the next big thing in web app development that would arrive with a Big Bang. From a present-day point of view, looking at all the capabilities that Angular grids have, it comes as no surprise at all that Angular would outperform widely used frameworks like React later on.

But how exactly did this observable tech phenomena manage to redefine enterprise software? What exactly does the Angular grid offer to businesses? And why did it become the number one choice for them?

The Obvious Reasons:

Top architecture

The Data Grid in Angular with its modular design, cross-platform architecture, and Angular grid layout options boost sustainable development. This way, ready-to-use applications can be deployed in a matter of minutes.

Code reusability

Whether you are building small-scale or complex apps, the Angular Grid component simplifies the whole process. Due to its modular code design and separate components, developers are enabled to reuse the code for new web apps or updated versions of existing projects.

Faster End-to-End Development

With Angular’s Model-View-Controller (MVC) logic, the Data Grid in apps is easier to update; the whole development time is faster, and easier testing of the grid is promoted.


The most significant performance booster derives from the fact that the grid uses DOM virtualization, improving rendering performance significantly. This means that the grid has the capability to bind to millions of data records in no time, handle high loads, and present flawless interface.

Ideal middle ground

Habits are the ideal middle ground in general and even when it comes to app development. What I mean is that sometimes people tend to make decisions based on previous experience that helps them recognize similar good practices or good products. Mimicking Excel-like interaction behaviors, the Angular UI grid provides this ideal middle ground. It includes well-known clipboard functions as well as scrolling, clicking, and other commands that ultimately make the grid convenient and straightforward.

The Not-So-Obvious Reasons:

Rich API and 30+ Features

The Angular UI grid exposes rich API and events that provide easy configuration, simplicity when using it, and effortless maintenance. On top of the built-in elements, there are extension points for custom functionalities. You can also check out built-in features like sorting, filtering, editing, and a lot more advanced like — three types of Filtering, State persistence, Multi-row layout, Cell/Row/Column Selection, Master-Detail View, Rich Keyboard navigation, and a lot more.

Google, Forbes, PayPal, Microsoft, HBO use it

Big stories and names inspire us. If those tech, business, media, and entertainment giants use it, then surely this is a reason why other companies will try to implement Angular for their business developments and digital products — led by examples from the best ones out there.

Powerful Angular web development online community

From podcast channels like DevChat, through annual Angular conferences, to Angular GitHub repo and official Angular Gitter room — there is a constant information and discussion flow that keeps everyone in the Angular universe updated and informed.

After outlining the whys regarding the use of Angular data grids, it is now the moment to outline the whats as well. Bearing in mind the 3 most vital factors when deciding upon a technology for your project (which I mentioned earlier in the text), I believe that our Ignite UI for Angular grid covers it all.

What is Ignite UI for Angular Grid?

At its core, Ignite UI for Angular provides a complete library of Angular-native, Material-based UI components. It includes 60+ high-performance chart Angular components and the world’s fastest virtualized Angular data grid, empowering developers to build better modern web experiences.

Some of the key features of the Ignite UI for Angular Data Grid enable users to:

✔ Organize specific data, inventory, delivery orders, transfers, and more with ease.

✔ Improve process time — get the most efficient stocking method and improve your internal operations.

✔ Benefit from advanced features that are made simple with IgxGrid — sorting, tracking, grouping data, global searching, advanced editing, and custom schedule filtering.

✔ Analyze data in a clear and comprehensive way — make smarter decisions with our well-crafted real-time data analysis tool.

✔ Quick data binding with very little code and ability to use a variety of events to customize different behaviors.

✔ Excel-style filtering, live-data sorting, grid summaries and cell templating that include our Sparkline component, Circular Progress Indicator component, and Icons.

✔ Get an entire ecosystem around Angular, allowing you to build powerful app with a few commands, using the ig CLI (Command Line Interface).

Lastly, teams behind products like Ignite UI always spend time researching and adding new features to the product based on feedback from multiple clients in different industries. Of course, there is our powerful community on our YouTube channel and blogging platforms like Medium, detailed documentation, and sample applications to fuel any business with an easy-to-use, modern, appealing, and fast data-driven app.

But don’t take my word for it. Try how the Ignite UI for Angular data grid works by forking our GitHub repository and explore other components like Ignite UI for Angular charts, gauges, layouts, and more.



Zdravko Kolev
Ignite UI

Product Development Manager at Infragistics, passionate about technology, innovation, personal growth, leadership, and team development.