Ignite launches the Catalyst Incubator

Chris Cousins
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2018

Today, Ignite is proud to announce the launch of Gibraltar’s first true, full-service blockchain incubator. The Catalyst incubator helps bring the most promising early stage ICO projects to life by providing them with capital, legal services, finance/accounting services, IT and development services, marketing, management and ongoing consultancy.

The Ignite “HIVE”, Ignite’s online ratings community, will be used to decide which projects are accepted into the Catalyst Incubator and, as IGNT token holders, will have exclusive access to early stage pre-ICO fundraising rounds of Catalyst-incubated projects.

Catalyst is currently working with three projects which it plans to bring to ICO over the next 9 months. More information on these projects will be made available to the HIVE following the close of the Ignite crowdsale.

Cerveza Coin” (actual project name confidential) — Cerveza Coin is the world’s first token to support the development of the rapidly-growing craft beer market. The Cerveza Coin team already own a large brewery in southern Spain and are in negotiations to open Gibraltar’s first operational microbrewery. The plan is to create a cooperative network of craft beer producers across the globe who will accept Cerveza Coin as payment and leverage the networks buying power to secure discounts on equipment and beer production supplies.

“Token Bond” (actual project name confidential) — Token Bond is developing the world’s first fully-regulated and securitised bond designed purely to assist with the considerable financing requirements faced by emerging blockchain start-ups. Currently, funds and money managers access to crypto projects is limited and thus trillions of dollars are being prevented from having access to lucrative blockchain project opportunities.

The Catalyst incubator is heavily involved in making Token Bond a reality and is working with financial specialists, regulated funds and leaders in finance to create a game changing vehicle which links traditional investment to the crypto world.

“Domain Coin” (actual project name confidential) — Domain Coin is a regulated ICANN domain registry which operates exclusively for the blockchain industry, the network plans to offer improved security and verification for all projects in order to help prevent many of the more common ICO scams, and social engineering attempts that plagues the industry. Further, Domain Coin intends to revolutionise how people access an utilise “premium” domain names, by giving them access to one of the largest ever compiled premium domain inventories, from a number of leading internet registries.

The Ignite crowdsale ends on Febuary 28th.


