Ignite RATINGS — Release Log

Damon Barnard
5 min readOct 4, 2018


The Ignite RATINGS platform was made first publicly available on 30 September 2018. Strictly speaking, although boasting a lot of rich features and functionality, the Ignite RATINGS platform remains in public beta as we continue to bug fix, refine and deploy value-adding features. The below is a public record of that ongoing development.

PUBLIC PLATFORM LAUNCH — 30 September 2018

Features deployed and basic functionality (not exhaustive):

  • Account creation with multiple wallet verification, bugs noted;
  • Reputation ENGINE, fully functional;
  • Ratings ENGINE, fully functional;
  • Ratings critical mass logic deployed in closed beta form — not final;
  • Multi-layer commenting system with reputation logic, fully functional;
  • Live asset search, fully functional;
  • Asset filtering and sorting, functional but bugs noted;
  • User preference selectable Notifications ENGINE, functional but bugs noted with selection;
  • Cross-platform notification linking, asset-level not comment-level;
  • Live pricing and data for crypto assets, functional but API data inconsistencies noted; and
  • Live charting via TradingView, restricted functionality at this time due to TradingView policies (self-hosted charting library to feature in a future release), also API data inconsistencies noted.

Update — 2 October 2018:

  • Wallet verification bugs fixed (we were using a third party block explorer that subtlely modified their code, causing the error);
  • Layout of the add wallet screen changed for improved UX re. wallet verification instructions,
  • Noted issues with the actions and styling for users that hold IGNT vs. those with zero balance, fixed;
  • “All” option added to the notifications filter in the activities section of the Account page — time-based filtering to be added in due course;
  • Wallet balances refresh at login;
  • Guest account activated and can be accessed via the following credentials: guest@igniteratings.com and password Gu35t4cc0unt!;
  • Terms of use and privacy policies added to the platform footer, and various styling issues fixed; and
  • Password reset fixed.

Update — 5 October 2018

  • Correct Critical mass for assets has been deployed;
  • The category tab bug noticed on BTC has been fixed;
  • Multiple wallets now sum correctly;
  • Partial match logic displayimg the wrong logo for one or two assets has been fixed;
  • Charting was not displaying for certain assets, even though available, this is fixed for those that have been noticed, manual fixes can be applied going forward;
  • Various TradingView bugs/glitches fixed;
  • Guest account credentials have been added to the login screen;
  • Filters in Account Activity section have been renamed for ease of understanding;
  • Mobile view — text input was being blocked by Send button on review screen, this is fixed; and
  • Various minor styling issues have been addressed.

Update — 7 October 2018

  • New feature — asset filtering.

Update — 17 October 2018

  • Various changes made to the comments module, the most significant of which is the introduction of editing — all submissions now remain editable for a period of 10 minutes, or until another user has submitted a response, whichever is soonest;
  • Sort logic for assets tweaked to exclude assets which have not yet surpassed critical mass;
  • “Top 3 Cryptos” in the dashboard changed to “Top 3 Rated Assets” and comprised of ICOs and Cryptos;
  • Ticker symbol duplication fixed;
  • Permitted comment size adjusted to 1,024 characters; and
  • Social media sharing enabled for news items.

Update — 4 November 2018

  • Sticky selected asset removed — previously, an already selected asset would remain in the asset list when switching between ICOs and Crypto. This was by design, but was found to be confusing for users;
  • Sticky selected asset removed from filtered lists — per the above, an already selected asset continued to be displayed when the asset list was filtered, even if the asset did not meet the filtering criteria;
  • Mobile fix — top ICO and top Crypto assets would open automatically, without being requested, when user selecting to view the ratings lists. This is fixed;
  • ICO and Crypto assets were, from time to time, being jumbled in the asset ratings list if certain steps were followed — this should now be fixed;
  • Ratings overview sorting patched to prevent bug that was retaining top asset in the asset list when filtered by Newest to Oldest, Or Oldest to Newest. The same bug also zeroed out the star rating;
  • Database updated with missing asset data and patch applied to data pull procedures to fix connectivity issues with third party data sources;
  • Wallet refresh frequency improved — IGNT balances should update more quickly;
  • Notifications bug fixed, whereby switching off “Sway” notifications was not actually stopping the notifications;
  • Intermittent notifications bug which was seeing some users receive more than one notification for the same event has been fixed; and
  • Fixed display of 24hr ratings change as negative change was being reported as positive.

Update — 19 November 2018

  • Ratings credits “lite” implemented;
  • Avatar update available;
  • Additional sorting added to ratings — from newest to oldest and oldest to newest;
  • Submitting a rating now auto-refreshes the asset ratings;
  • Basic formatting introduced — bold, italics and underline available for text inputs;
  • Introduction of hyperlinked URLs in content;
  • Mobile search added;
  • Mobile improvements — better scrolling and user interface;
  • “Top 3” rated assets changed to “Top Rated” assets with lazy load scrolling;
  • Fixed intermittent bug with lazy scroll on ratings not always working; and
  • Tweaks to critical mass calculation algorithm.

Update — 18 January 2019

  • PROJECT CONTROL — allowing projects to claim and curate their listings;
  • Introduction of project collateral requirements ;
  • Multiple ratings — permit users to submit a rating per asset category once every 24 hours;
  • UX/UI improvements to mobile ratings submission;
  • STOs added as a listed asset type (filtering to follow);
  • Unassigned “hamburger” controls temporarily removed; and
  • Ability for a new user to postpone wallet verification step and to submit one rating.

Update — 7 February 2019

  • Boosted Listings — Project Control admins can directly request a prominence boost for their projects from within the control panel;
  • Live price sync bug fixed;
  • Discord added to project social media channels;
  • Project collateral requirements amended to allow holding of 150,000 IGNX or 1,500 IGNT;
  • Reputation boosts for users submitting ratings and reviews to Boosted Listings; and
  • Referral links and admin reporting.

