Introducing: Referrals

Tell a friend…no, wait, tell ALL your friends!

Damon Barnard
3 min readFeb 8, 2019


Tell ALL your friends…

We have always stated the importance of organic growth to the success of the Ignite RATINGS platform. “User-get-user” marketing permits us (by which I mean, Ignite and its users) to grow a community of like-minded individuals who understand what Ignite and its community are trying to achieve together and, importantly, how we are going about it. There really is no comparison between someone that has clicked on a brightly-coloured (and expensive!) banner on a random website out of mere curiosity, and someone who has been actively referred by an existing user of the platform.

So let’s build a userbase! Here’s how you can help, and how you can be rewarded for your efforts…

In your “ACCOUNT” section within the Ignite RATINGS platform, you will spot a new “REFERRALS” button — click this and you will be presented with your unique referral link. Feel free to share this link with friends/family/followers/the world(!) via social media, email, message in a bottle etc. Both you, and your referrals, will be rewarded for using your link in the following ways:

  • For each qualifying* USER you refer to Ignite RATINGS, you will receive 10 IGNT.
  • For each qualifying* PROJECT you refer to Ignite RATINGS, you will receive 50 IGNT.
  • Each qualified* USER you refer to Ignite RATINGS will also receive 10 IGNT.

For as long as the referral scheme is live, there is no limit to the number of users and projects you may refer and, therefore, no limit to the amount of IGNT you are able to earn.

That button. Right there.

To make things even simpler, recent platform updates make it that new users can now start participating in the ratings process without needing to be an IGNT holder. ALL new users are permitted to leave their first rating, on an asset of their choice, without having verified an IGNT-holding wallet. If their rating is subsequently reviewed by other users and they earn at least 5 reputation points, then we will gift them their first IGNT tokens — 5 IGNT for non-referred users, and 10 IGNT for referred users, and they will enjoy full, unrestricted access to Ignite RATINGS. It has never been quicker and easier for new users to join the platform, and join in the fun!

*A qualifying/qualified user is one that has completed the registration process, submitted a rating, earned a minimum of 5 reputation points and registered a verified Ethereum wallet against their account. A qualifying/qualified project is one that has completed the registration process, registered a verified Ethereum wallet that holds at least 150,000 IGNX (or 1,500 IGNT) against their account, and published their asset listing.

Referral rewards will be distributed monthly.

Sign up for an Ignite RATINGS account at

