Ignite in Place (from 6/24/20)

brady forrest
Published in
Oct 16, 2020

The world is moving fast, unheard voices are rising, and we’re sheltering in place. Our speakers will cover these issues and a crazy array of other delicious topics. And here they are…

Hope Williams — Coordinated Acts of Civil Disobedience

Monica Guzman — 7 words to keep your world from shrinking

Cecily Mak — C L E A R L I F E

Kelly Jensen — Fancy Pigeons Are a Thing

Chris Taylor— The how what and why of microdosing

Jeremy Conrad — The History of Cocktail

Mya Roberson — When COVID-19 and racism collide

Inga Bard — Birthing a Renaissance

Robert Strong — Learn How the Brain is Tricked While Learning a Trick

Connie Yang — Modern matriarchal societies

Kevin Kelly — Journey in a Time Machine

Mellina White-Cusack — Attention White People: Your #BLM memes are not enough

Ignite’s mission is “Everyone Speaks.” We believe that public speaking builds confidence in individuals and that events like Ignite build community. Our goal is to make it possible for anyone, anywhere to learn how to present their ideas and their stories.



brady forrest

MobileCoin; Ignite Talks; Highway1; Startups; Art in SF