Resolution’s Fall 2018 Impact Photo Essay

The Resolution Project
Igniting Social Impact
5 min readJan 7, 2019

As we start the new year, take a look back at some of 2018’s ventures and our Fellows’ impressive impact achievements!

Daniel Sebugwawo — Suubi Community Development Organisation

Daniel Sebugwawo and his venture are offering ICT and entrepreneurship training to women and girls who have dropped out of school in Mubende, Uganda, a region that sees a significant gender imbalance in education. The venture aims to help these women to develop the skills needed to work in tech or start their own businesses. In its first six months, the venture has trained 17 women.

Images provided by Suubi Community Development Organisation

Melissa Diamond — A Global Voice for Autism

Melissa Diamond and her venture seek to help children with autism in conflict-affected communities to communicate independently and avoid being excluded from society. Through parent and teacher training in evidence-based practices for autism intervention, family support, and community education, this venture gives families and communities the tools to support their children with autism while overcoming autism stigma in the communities served. A Global Voice for Autism is currently running three programs in Palestine, one in Turkey, and one in the Minneapolis Somali Community, one in Jordan, and has run additional workshops in Greece, Jordan and Algeria. It has directly worked with over 11,000 children and families and indirectly impacted thousands more.

Images provided by A Global Voice for Autism

Sumati Joshi & Urvi Talaty — Mission Sanscar

Sumati Joshi and Urvi Talaty and their venture are working in Mumbai, India to eliminate the restrictions, shame, and impact on school attendance that accompanies the onset of women’s menstrual cycles. Mission Sanscar provides education and support on reproductive health, sexual consent, and abuse, while teaching women and girls to produce reusable pads that they can also sell to others as a source of income. Since June 2018, the venture has worked with 150 adolescent girls.

Images provided by Mission Sanscar

Roland Oluwapelumi Ojo — Safer Hands Health Initiative

Roland Oluwapelumi and his venture are working to improve pregnancy outcomes in Lagos, Nigeria, where there is a high rate of infant mortality that can be greatly reduced by training on the management of obstetric emergencies and other practical knowledge. Safer Hands brings a team of medical students to train communities in traditional birth practices and to distribute basic sterile delivery kits. Since August 2017, the venture has trained 48 medical students to become birth attendants.

Images provided by Safer Hands Health Initiative

Celia Breuer — Siku Njema Kesho

Celia Breuer and her venture are working to improve farming outcomes and promote health and sanitation in Nakuru, Kenya, an area severely impacted by a lack of clean water and storage capabilities, by providing locals with access to water tanks and training them in rainwater harvesting practices. Since April 2016, the venture has provided 15 water tanks and reduced households’ yearly water expenses by 75%.

Images provided by Siku Njema Kesho

Kayiza Isma & Nsubuga Thomas — Sparky Thermal Dehydrator

Kayiza Isma, Nsubuga Thomas, and their venture are providing communities in Mbale, Uganda with a low-cost, efficient device that dries a diverse array of farm produce ten times faster than does conventional sun drying. The machine uses biofuel as a source of energy and reduces post-harvest losses, the leading cause of food insecurity in Uganda. Since October 2017, the venture has provided several machines throughout the area to be utilized by 120 farmers total.

Images provided by Sparky Thermal Dehydrator

Rose Wang — Six Foods

Rose Wang and her venture are working to normalize insect foods so as to reduce land & water usage and the emission of greenhouse gases. The venture uses crickets milled into a flour to make tortilla chips, a product more familiar to the American palate. “Chirps Chips” won $100K on Shark Tank earlier this year and are now being sold in 73 CIBO Express stores. Six Foods has also just released a new product: protein powder!

Image provided by Six Foods

Wahid Hossain — Tiger Bow

Wahid Hossain and his venture are employing rural women artisans in Bangladesh to create bowties using traditional Bangladeshi fabrics, which are then sold on luxury markets. So far, TigerBow has employed 12 artisans, helping them to raise their income by up to 80%. Wahid is hoping to support 30 more artisans over the next two years.

Images provided by TigerBow

Tyler Vogel , Ana Julante, & Isaac Chikuse— Wings of the Night

Tyler Vogel, Ana Julante, Isaac Chikuse and their venture are creating bat houses in Maijuna, Peru, in an effort to combat the spread of malaria in an inexpensive, eco-friendly way. Bats indigenous to the region can eat more than 1,000 mosquitoes per hour, greatly decreasing the number of the disease-carrying insects. To encourage nesting of these natural predators, the Fellows are constructing bat houses near the populations with the highest incidences of malaria to help eradicate the disease one village at a time.

Images provided by Wings of the Night



The Resolution Project
Igniting Social Impact

Resolution is developing socially-responsible young leaders and empowering them to make a positive impact today.