Your Only Shortcut To Success

Favour George
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2018

Most people look for shortcuts to everything. Do they really exist? Are they really helpful?

Well I may not have the answers you are looking for. But there is one sure truth that has been around, and I summarize it like this…

Shortcuts will cut you short!

Yes, you heard me. Shortcuts will cut you short and bring you tears which you did not bargain for.

The only shortcut to success is EDUCATION

Successful people are very educated people. I know you’ve read of how a lot of the most successful and wealthy people around today dropped out of school and stories like that. You may first have to redefine Education for yourself. And we will do that just that together.

What is Education

Education is the process of acquiring knowledge. This can be done in a formal setting or an informal setting.

Before the advent of ‘schools’ people were being educated. The process of education is the process of acquiring knowledge about a thing, applying the knowledge and verifying it yields the expected result. Proper education requires a lot of practice. You are too far away from success because you are too concerned with theories, most of which you won’t apply.

Head knowledge is not the same with experienced knowledge. You need to move beyond reading and learning to acting and practicing.

Practicing solidifies what you have learnt. You practice until it becomes part of you. Good practice will ensure you get good success.

Dr. Stephen R. Covey said, “We control our actions, but the consequences that flow from those actions are controlled by principles.”

Learning these control principles come from actual practice. You have to learn them, then go ahead and apply them.

Shortcut Breeds Weakness

People who are always looking for shortcuts ultimately become lazy. The reason is simple. Shortcuts take away the required process. Process takes time and demands patience.

Thus if you are used to shortcuts, things that involve processes will bore you. And when you become bored you lose interest. That is how laziness comes.

Shortcuts also make you inattentive to details and instruction. You become less patient listening to instruction, you become unconcerned with details. If you seek success truly, you will realize that details matter a great deal, to get the nitty-gritty involved in breaking through you have to pay keen attention to details.

Reading Before Reaping

You really don’t need to go seminars and get formal courses to learn, although they are wonderful tools for education.

Photo by S A R A H ✗ S H A R P on Unsplash

Reading enlarges you capacity and increases your knowledge base. The difference most times between people is what one knows that the other does not know. Reading allows you to glean from other peoples experiences and tap into their wealth of knowledge. Reading keeps you informed and articulate.

You Reap success when you have sown your time in reading and your resources in acquiring educating materials. Don’t be too in a hurry that reading few pages of a book becomes an uphill task for you.

Building Interest

You can become educated by building your interest in a topic or a business. Interest sparks curiosity, zeal and passion to learn.

Brain Sher author of “What rich people know & desperately want to keep secret” said: If you’re observant, interested and committed to learning, any event, person, or situation is a potential teacher.

You can become educated from any event, person or situation. All you need is interest and commitment.

Brain Sher also says:

Become rich in learning and in experiences and then all other riches will follow.

Your only shortcut to success in anything is continuous learning of that which you pursue success at. Education is not an option it is a must have for success minded people. Don’t let ignorance and satisfaction strip you of your dreams of achieving success.

Appetite For Success

You can maintain a steady hungry appetite for success, by increasing your pursuit for knowledge, applying it and experiencing the result.

When satisfaction comes, relaxation stalls growth. A hungry will always eat, but when you are not hungry food makes less sense to you. Staying hungry is vital to keeping your drive towards success.

Your question is How?

  • Have role models who are setting the pace.
  • Surround yourself with friends who are success minded as yourself
  • Don’t dwell on yesterday’s victories.
  • Pay attention to your competitors.
  • Pay attention to your progress. See how you can keep track of your success here — Tracking Success
  • Be accountable to someone or a group of people



Favour George
Editor for

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