Interpreting Your Mercury Placement

Decoding Communication Styles with Mercury

Rachael Middleton


Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

Mercury is the most flexible planet. As a mythological figure, Mercury was capable of transcending multiple realms of reality and had the freest access to all areas of creation. Many forms of travel fall under Mercury’s rulership. Various forms of communication are also ruled by Mercury: writing, speaking, listening, thinking — all important aspects of being, all represented by Mercury.

Mercury governs the power of movement and the power of thought.

When you look at someone’s Mercury in the natal chart, it shows how they move, how they think, the way they communicate and any challenges or special characteristics about those things. A study of other people’s Mercury placements can assist in mutual understanding and help to navigate or explain differences in communication styles.

Mercury is considered gender neutral or both male and female. Mercury is trans basically. It can be interpreted as either masculine or feminine depending on what planets it is near or sign it is in. It’s flexible. Mercury rules the signs of Gemini (mutable air) and Virgo (mutable earth). It prefers mutability, the ability to change.

Mercury is also a fast moving planet, and it is always near the Sun in the zodiac, by at least one sign. It…

