March 2020 Astrology

Venus and Mercury improve their situations

Rachael Middleton


Photo by Eric Muhr on Unsplash

Two Planetary Ingresses, One Day

March 4, 2020 — Mercury Retrogrades into Aquarius 6:07 (EST) and Venus enters Taurus 22:07 (EST).

On Wednesday March 4, a significant shift in the energy takes place with both Mercury and Venus moving into new signs. When a planet ingresses into a sign, there is a costume and scene change for that planet. The abilities and strengths of the planet are influenced by sign placement, but the territory and landscape has also shifted. When a planet moves into a different sign, it also enters a different whole sign house in your natal chart, highlighting and influencing the affairs of that house in your life.

Mercury briefly backs into Aquarius

On March 4 Mercury retrogrades out of Pisces into Aquarius, which is an improvement for the Mercury situations in your life that have been so bogged down the last few weeks. Mercury is still retrograde, and clarity is still not 100% available, but there will be a drying out of sorts for soggy thinking and situations that have been overly emotional. We are still in review mode and researching our options, but the ability to be more objective and see the…

