New Year 2019 Astrology

No time like the present

Rachael Middleton
6 min readJan 2, 2019


Photo by Elvira Visser on Unsplash

Mars is in Aries when we begin 2019, emboldening us to greet the New Year with a new attitude and shifting the energy so we can begin to make some headway. The shift out of Pisces and into Aries is a welcome change for Mars.

It didn’t help (or maybe it did) that just before Mars left Pisces it made a conjunction with Chiron (the wound that won’t heal), leaving many of us feeling deeply wounded, or at least our old soft spots heavily irritated, over the holidays. It may have been a painful ending up of the year in 2018 in some ways, but enough about it already, it’s as good a time as any to finally move on with our lives and start fresh.

Mars in Aries carries the clean slate vibe and also focuses our will on something new, preferably something that we have individual control over initiating. There will be less patience for having to slow down for any reason, including taking the extra time it requires when you have to work with others. If given a solo project, you could make a lot of progress now and over the next 6 weeks. You could also initiate some changes that will make a big difference, perfect energy to go with making and starting on your New Year’s Resolution.

Notice that I said New Year’s Resolution — not Resolutions. As in singular. That was not a typo. I know it is a common practice for people to have multiple resolutions for New Year’s, but I am suggesting that if you are not already committed to multiple resolutions and you want to think about having one, choose just one. I say this because Aries is an energy that likes to conquer one thing at a time.

Also, Capricorn, which is the other major energy getting emphasized in 2019, likes single pointed focus; it can be on a big picture thing, which requires management of many parts, but Capricorn is goal oriented, and the more clear and precise and focused and planned for the goal, the better as far as Capricorn is concerned.

Capricorn energy is highlighted Jan 2 when the Sun and Saturn have their yearly conjunction. This is a plan to achieve aspect and it also can impart a grounded realism to the visions that you have now. Be careful not to drift into the too heavy pessimism that Saturn can sometimes get a bad reputation for. It’s good to check your expectations with realism, but it’s also important to give constructive criticism that aims to support instead of nay saying everything as a process of elimination. Make your plan and put it in writing if you really want to give it the best chance of manifesting.

Focus on what needs attention with the Saturn energy and avoid getting bogged down into explaining why you can’t or won’t be able to do what is impossible or a bad idea — forget about all the bad ideas you or anyone has ever had or suggested, they can all disappear and be replaced by the benevolent and guiding vision of doing the right thing and following the right idea.

How do we know what the right thing to do is? Well, we all know exactly what the right thing for us to do is, but we have to consult our own inner knowing for the answer. Other people can help show you the answer and reflect to you what you want, but the answer for what to do is in you.

For those struggling between multiple options or drifting in a state of limbo waiting on a revelation to clarify things — you may want to get a little more proactive now. It’s totally honorable to wait and see and take a yin attitude when things are developing or in flux. But at some point you may feel like jumping in and taking a more active role in your life. I say go for it, when you feel the spirit. It’s only when you feel like you have enough energy to make a successful go of the attempt that you will have the momentum to make the leap, and yes, it is one of faith. Luckily, Jupiter in Sagittarius is there to make sure the faithful are rewarded.

This year there will be many attempts at things which are quite difficult, some by choice and some out of necessity. The ones who are caught up dealing with commitments, which they are already obliged to will be working harder than ever, and may feel less open and free in spirit then those who are less bound and are more interested in exploring new options and broadening their horizons. We have the energy of Saturn and Jupiter both very strongly placed for the whole year.

I am somewhat reminded of the story of The Ant and The Grasshopper. We have a fable with that begins with two insects, each representing two of the major energies in play right now. On one side we have the ant (Saturn in Cap), who is busy in preparation for the future Winter and works throughout the Summer, while the grasshopper jumps around feeling free (Jupiter in Sag) and enjoying being fully immersed in the moment.

Is the grasshopper wrong? No, I always identified with the grasshopper as a kid when I would hear the story, thinking, he’s just enjoying his life. How long does a grasshopper live anyway?

The one thing the grasshopper does that is a little bit annoying is he taunts and teases the ant as he is working, asking him to come and play and even in some versions ridiculing the ant for not knowing how to relax and enjoy himself. The ant is somewhat pissed by the continual distraction and heckling, but he has larger concerns.

Most of the time, the serious ant is not even turning his head to think about the grasshopper’s folly, he’s hoarding food for not only himself, but prepping for an entire colony, of highly structured dependents, (Saturn in Capricorn).

So we have the two characters, at odds in style, but both just being themselves, doing exactly what the other one would do, if they were them.

I think the grasshopper being single is a key detail to the fable. He doesn’t have the same impetus or support (saturn) to stockpile and hustle in the same way as the ant does. Also in many versions, he is a musician, so not that tuned in to reality.

Anyway, Winter comes and you guess it, the ants are sitting pretty and the grasshopper is shivering and hungry. At this point in the story, I remembered the ants sharing with the grasshopper and everything being good across the board. But in my fact checking I researched the actual Aesop’s fable and, lo and behold, the ants basically shaft the grasshopper and are like sorry, you enjoyed making music all summer long, now you better just dance. The moral of the story being : there is a time for work and a time for play.

Now, I really did have a major Mandela Effect moment when I tried to remember where I had gotten the idea that the ants shared with the grasshopper in the end, I even had an illustrated image in my mind of the grasshopper being handed an acorn or corn grain from an ant. But the original fable according to my research is not so sharing and happy an ending. It’s possible I read a remake version somewhere in my youth, but now I am rethinking the whole meaning of the fable and whether it’s still a good analogy, and actually, it still does fit.

The Jupiter in Sag energy (grasshopper spirit) is authentic but rather short lived. It’s going to last a good while, the majority of 2019, but 2020 is going to see an intensification of the Capricorn heaviness big time. Jupiter is by then also going to be in Capricorn and the time for play will be, OVER for sure then. Jupiter hates being in Capricorn also. So, whatever playing around or indulgences that are afforded in 2019 are going to be the last for a while. Be grateful for any spirit of generosity or leeway you have in your life now, you may need it later on and it will not be so easy to come by.

